in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

What Up Peeps!

Here we are! Another day another post. I really don't want this to become a regular thing here because RANTS are not what my page was supposed to be about. Now, that being said - I feel like I have to point out horse shit when I see it.

So yeah only two days after I made my post calling out the big players for using Bots and how painful it was seeing that their posts are voted on hundreds of times yet only have less than 10th of that traffic - determined by looking at the views.


Today I decided to pop over and see how the view - votes ratio balanced out on the same article..... Annnnnnd to my surprise (not really)It looks like the view counter has now been removed from the bottom of articles.

Screen Shot 2018-04-22 at 3.16.05 PM.png

Notice how the view count is now gone?

Now ok I'll admit that I know about how refreshing the page makes your view count go up and the removal of this feature could be seen as a way of combating the pumping of a posts numbers.... But seeing as how article views don't affect things here the same what that they do on a platform like Youtube - I don't believe the removal of this feature was for any reason other than something nefarious and dastardly. I got you fuckers!

I have almost Zero doubt that this was orchestrated by those at the top to hide the shady goings on by the elite here on Steemit - So that when newcomer arrives and they look at who is on top - They wont be able see what is really going on (Paid voting / Bots/ Vote rings). I need some one to explain this to me. Give me a good reason for the removal of the view tracker. Do it right fucking now.

I don't know what else to say - I don't know if any one has covered this already but i just noticed so i figured I would speak my mind on the subject seeing as how it directly pertains to something I've already spoken about in a previous post. Let me know in the comments below how you feel about the removal of the View tracker - Try and give me a justifiable reason for why you think it happened. Lets chat.

That's all for now



Wow you're right, I hadn't noticed yet that the view counter is gone on
(Just checked and it isn't there either, but I don't quite remember if it was there before)

That's really too bad because the view counter was my only indicator if anyone had actually taken the time to read any of my posts... Guess the truth about the low level of exposure that posts get was getting uncomfortable...

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