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RE: Why Steemit is Great for Your Homestead

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I do hope you'll share your animals with us!

A couple of years ago I had done some product reviewing. Though I didn't get paid for it, I did get the product in return to review. Then recently I've been told, time and time again to get on here. So here I am. I'm not sure where it will take me but hey that's life. We don't always know where we'll be going.

Mac n cheese I think is all of ours guilty pleasure food. lol :)


I think if someone doesn't like Mac n cheese... I can't really be a true friend to them. Haha.

I did some product reviewing, this was before a homestead was even in the thoughts of our future though. Honestly, it felt like a huge waste of time. Haha, obviously, or else we would still be doing it! Though, I would totally do reviews here, NOT for free product though. For products that I feel people should know about, it would totally be unbiased.

Anyway, I will get to animals soon, but this post came to me, and it flew out of my fingers so quickly that I knew I had to post it right away.

Do you have high hopes for Steemit?

Haha yes I can't have mac n cheese haters around!

I never did the reviews for money either, it was more to pass time when I had terrible sciatica (which led to surgery eventually). I was dying of boredom because I couldn't do much. lol I've been thinking about doing reviews again on here, whether ir was for free items or stuff I've purchased myself. I don't like to lie about stuff. If its a crap product I'll say it is. lol

I think Steemit definitely has potential. I'm still learning about cryptocurrency. But if it's going how I hear it's going, then I think it will do fairly well. How about you?

From the update today, my intro post hit $200. Honestly, I think, like I said in the post, that any financial help is a real big bonus. Taking care of animals is not cheap. Especially since I feed the chickens and gucklings organic food.

I also don't work, so any way I can help husband financially, or even to have some pocket change for myself, helps us as a family.

Hitch, like you, I don't know much about the cryptocurrencies, I'll leave that to husband and do what I can. Haha

I can't even imagine how much it take to run a farm.
My hope with steemit is to be able to produce content and eventually make income from that.

Yes I leave the cryptocurrency stuff to my husband too! lol I make him explain some of the things I see on here if I'm confused about it.

I really hope to make some sort of promising cash monies from here also. It's really nice that I don't have to work, but then again, you kind of feel like a bump on a log. I got laid off from my last job, working at a beekeeper's honey shop, but I don't think I'm cut out for anything else. So, I feel like I have to find something else to help us out.

Yeah! I asked husband about the update that happened cause I felt like things were too good to be true!! hahaha. I still feel that way. But I hope it's not too good to be true. This cash could really help us. I mean, a 40# bag of feed costs me $30, which is real expensive for chicken food. Where a lot of people who don't buy organic spend like, $15 on 50#s or something like that.

I can just imagine how much more expensive organic chicken food is!

It's a little ridiculous! hahah

This may be sacrilegious, but I like to add a cut up hot dog to my mac and cheese. :-)

I've done that a couple times myself or do a tad bit of ground beef.

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