So what really happened?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I signed up to Steem very recently. I made a few test posts of naked/topless girls. Did I shoot the content? No. Am I the girl(s) in the content? No. Nor did I pretend that it was my content. The pictures I posted were not copyrighted works, they were not taken as part of some sort of production. They were just random pictures of random girls that decided to post pictures of themselves topless online. I went to a few different websites, picked out the 'best' pictures of the day from them, and posted them. I was interested to see what would happen, and, since I have exquisite taste, I was getting a pretty decent response in my postings.

Then an ugly camwhore comes along and comments on my post. I'm not hostile towards her, infact, I explain myself and go on about my business:

I had no idea SteemIt, by being decentralized, actually ends up being more 'centralized' because there are accounts that control upvoting and downvoting for other people, like steemcleaners and minnowsupport.

The camwhore reported my post to steemcleaners, and then steemcleaners comes along and downvotes my post, and references some retarded tumblr blog as the 'source' for the pictures I was using. Tumblr does not produce porn, nor does it produce pictures of topless girls. Tumblr is a place where people repost pictures, and it's not where I even found the pictures from. So it seemed like complete bullshit to me that some pajeet bot steemcleaners came along and not only downvoted me, but gave me some run around about posting "sources" when the sources they post are totally fake themselves. Complete and utter hypocrites.

aggroed, minnowsupport, or whatever ridiculous system it was comes along afterwards, and demands I remove my downvotes, or he'll unleash some retarded gang downvoting system he has in place. Once again, total abuse of power. Just using other people's accounts that have signed up to his system, to downvote something he has no part in, because I didn't adhere to his warning.

One person apologized at least:

Another was upset that he was automatically included in the downvoting. Can't find his comment (it was probably downvoted by the gang)

Anyway, I've switched my interest from test posting, to testing out retribution towards these assholes. I've only just begun, and I'm only doing this by myself so far. I won't be alone in this for long ;)

Now you have a better understanding of what actually happened. The camwhore and the lonely internet dudes following her, exaggerate my position in what happened, and make themselves sound like innocent victims so that you keep upvoting them. I don't expect this post to get upvoted, quite the opposite, but I'm simply explaining my side of what happened. Be prepared for retribution!


By the way, I have invested a lot of money in steem. Most of these shitposting "bloggers" think it doesn't matter. They think money is magic, such as the money they receive on steem. They don't know a thing about steem power, voting power, etc. They think posting shitty blogs, getting upvoted, getting rep'd, getting a few breadcrumbs worth of steem dollars is all their is to it. Internet magic! Kinda like me! EL MAGO. Steem Power obviously plays a big role in Steem as well, but they choose to ignore that.

I think Steem/Steem Power is a great investment, but I also think some things need to change around here. I'm considering bringing my own following to steemit soon.


El, here are my thoughts, if you go look in the photography sections there are a lot of photographers that put up their original work and since I've been on Steem, I can tell you this: it is their hot button issue, not just with you with EVERYONE, original content and on and on.
There has been discussion lately about the use of flagging, that it can lead to situations like this, without any way to mediate or even respond with "I'm new, no harm, no foul".
I got a cheetah-bot plagarism note once because I copied and pasted a sentence that had three foreign names in it that I didn't want to misspell-I then deleted the rest of the sentence except for the names and still got botted, I was pissed but in the scheme of things got over it..
There are so many places within Steem that you can selectively post, the majority of posts aren't seen but by these sub-groups anyway.
By using tagged categories you don't even run into most people or their articles/pictures.
So kick back, let go of the feeling of being beat up upon arrival, no one will remember this in a month. I don't think you want to start a war, if you brought "your people" in they'd get cold shouldered and wouldn't have any fun either. Stay open to remedies, this could have an easy solution...
This all sounds to me like someone got snarky and then totally escalated and can all be repaired.
Yes people do help each other out and sometimes move in a collective to promote the platform and keep everything fun. Maybe we all can hit the rewind on this.

the voice of sanity

Thanks, I guess people buying steem to cause drama is what the 2 year vesting time was to protect about. A bot could take care of this guy and people should generally be more respectful to each others.

Steemians are more respectful.This is rare.

@transisto - I'm told by other whales this obsessed rageflagging maniac (who seems to stalk my very popular blog, insta flagging everything) is your dog now. I'd like to suggest you muzzle your dog please. His rage flagging of other users is the kind of thing that will kill the community you are so heavily invested in, as well as his copyright violations which will (along with the others who do it) attract unwanted legal attention to the platform, ala Napster et al.

Think this through. Do you want this behavior in your neighborhood? Or do you want to put a leash on this nonsense. Thanks.

I don't know this person, If I up-voted one of his comment it was just to give him a chance to express himself as there is always to sides to most stories.

I'm not going to name names, but one of the people working to boost his rage flag targets (there are quite a few he spends literally ALL DAY AND NIGHT stalking and instaflagging) has said, talk to you. Apparently all "whales" know each other or something and the consensus was, he's your problem now. Not sure how they arrived at that conclusion, but hes damaging a lot of smaller people who dont have the community support I do, who probably need the money and rep he's costing them as well. I'm taking a pretty serious financial hit from him myself on my posts, but I don't come here for the money, not that I would complain if you feel in love with my content and hammered it up, but I come for the community. I've built social networks - multi-million dollar ones as a Dir of Tech for companies over the years, and this is the very model of the worst kind of bad actor guy who will DESTROY this one. Not because of his caustic personality, but because he will create REAL legal issues for the network.

Not an opinion. Statement of historically demonstrated fact. Napster, PirateBay, Limewire.... copyright cops will find HIM and his ilk and take it out on US, ALL of us. Mark my words. Im not making a threat, I'm telling you history and if this behavior keeps up, the IP law world will end up killing this place. And I'll have nothing to do with that.

I'm available on slack, rocketchat and discord, it would be great if you could ask one of these whales tell me why he would be my problem.

Legal issues ? Steemit Inc. is apparently enforcing DMCA take down claims they receive, not sure if there has been any though. It's one thing to not like other people copying content it's another for content producers to lift the finger and send a letter to Steemit for a takedown, it's another for steemit to ignore them. I don't worry about Steemit inc.

Sure, I'll see what I can do. I would love to take you on a little tour of el-maggots damage tirade to the kinds of users coming on board who will make or break your investment. Let's be clear. None of us are particularly impressed by the wallet sizes of the invested users, but the invested users clearly don't always understand the importance of the minnows in making their investments anything but worthless. El-maggot can be a petulant child all he wants. He's hurting your future income a HELL of a lot worse than he is hurting ours.

As for IP law? People don't seem to understand that the block chain is one thing and the companies offering access to it are another. The gubmint cant do diddly about the decentralized network, but they sure as HELL can burn down all the doors to it.

Discord is the preferred. I have meetings for a couple hours with my off shore teams and on shore clientele. All my daily project standups for the software company I own.

Minnow here maybe, but El-maggot is quite wrong about us being here for "table scraps" - but that's just his pedantic childish megalomania at play. He's delusional, irrational and in no way deserving of any "champions"

But the network needs champions or all your little dollars are gonna poof if you stand by and play Switzerland at a time when the network is so precariously small and fragile. My last career role before my own company was Director of Tech for a multimillion dollar social network. When I tell you about IP law and the risks here, I am speaking with subject matter expertise and experience on the topic, period.

people will definitely remember this in a month. don't worry. he can hop nicks if he wants, but the topic will remain. stealing content and making money off of it is fucked up. you should be ashamed, not sticking your dick in everybody's face. the inability to moderate this problem properly shouldn't stop you from being a good person, ok? :D

Current hopped nicks to watch your flags for are El-Mago, SteemShitlist and Julianita probably is him too. same bad grammar and style, both latin names, etc. Not very imaginative, this one.

oh, i know. ty though. :)

all el-mago's posts were taken off others without source
was claiming to be models
was flag spamming those who tagged for spam

claiming to be models? What are you talking about you lying sack of shit

he might be confusing you with other spammers. such is life. if you don't want to be lumped in with them, don't be one of them.

Obsessively to the point of mental illness, flagging down too, and his post is one giant, errant load of lies, and I was there through it all, so trust me when i say, not one word of the above original post is even near the zip code of truth.

@el-mago can do what he want. he just repost stuff which is totally fine.
the sweepers don't even see the sources properly yet they punish. F the cleaners!!

copy and pasting other peoples work is plagarism,
doesnt help the way search engines find content on steemit,
clutters topics

reducing value
lower content creation by lessening incentive
less users

agreed. the quality content gets hidden under shitposts by assholes trying to make a quick buck.

Not to mention this is how IP lawyers shut down networks like this one (napster, limewire, etc)

ya and with the flood of reposted youtube videos and copy pasted sites here case wouldnt last long

Yep exactly. He is a corrosive, caustic, deranged asshole downvoting minnows so obsessively under at least two alt accounts that it's absolute lunacy. And I'm actively recruiting whales who are listening intently to SHUT THIS MOTHER down. Because he will actively destroy their investments. He can "retaliate" all he wants, he's not long for this world.

@el-mago bro, sorry about the flags n'shit! They were placed by an automated service. I would only downvote if I fully vetted the situation personally. I think I reversed all of them now.

So this is acceptable?

"Anyway, I've switched my interest from test posting, to testing out retribution towards these assholes. I've only just begun, and I'm only doing this by myself so far. I won't be alone in this for long ;)"

He's on a crusade to destroy anybody who disagrees with him and abusing multi-accounts to do it. Allowing this abuse of the platform sets an incredibly bad precedent and will only damage steemit in the long run.

@guk I'm gonna assume your heart is in the right place, and el-mago is a major asshole. xD

But how much of your own $$ are you willing to spend to battle this kind of behavior?

$400 for nine comments?

hes a mass spam flagger plagiarizer
dont listen to his bull lies

This is clearly abuse by this automated service. aggroed / minnowsupport. Abusive service using their unsuspecting subscribers to do downvotes... not looking good for Steemit right now. Thanks for apologizing

You want to mention the part where you rage flag all of them so obsessively its not even borderline, its a flat out personality disorder?

It's simple. You stuck your nose where you shouldn't, you're paying the consequences. I'm enjoying your rage too. Keep up the bullshit, keep up with the lies, exaggeration, begging for help and playing sides, and keep paying the consequence. Fuck off, and I may stop eventually.

I will try to be constructive about this, if you take offense to it please talk to me about it rather than taking some kind of "retribution".

Steem has the potential to be a creative community filled with a variety of original content that brings value to many different audiences. Even the NSFW tag has it's place in this community.

Recently there has been a flood of shitposts. What is a "shitpost"? Well I made light of it here

While it's kinda cool to share "selfies" and such that you found on the internet, the fact is you are not the creator or owner of the content. You found it on the internet. If the content did not say that it was in the public domain, or you were not specifically given permission to post it, then you should not post it.

"Why the fuck does it matter?" You might ask ...
I talked a little about that here;

"Ok, but these aren't pro's or sites that earn money ... it's just copypasta porn!" You say ...

Well, yes and no.
The girl likely shared the photo on her own social media, or PRIVATELY with people she thought she could trust. It's HER photo! If you didn't ask her to post it or pay her for the image, you have no right to it.

If I had a picture of your dick and shared it to make myself a little money would you be cool with that?

"What the fuck man? I'm just trying to make some money!" You say ...
Fuckin' bitchin' dude! Make that money! Talk to some cam girls, get an affiliate account with MET-ART and share that shit, work out a gig with photographers, post original shit that you have permission to post and get you some.

Yeah, the "power users" don't always try to help when they see abuse, they see so much of it that posting suggestions for improvement gets tiresome. I'm sorry that upsets you, but let's not take it out on whole fucking groups of people that are just trying to make Steemit a good thing, yeah?

This happens in other areas too, not just not for work material. However these photos are more sensitive, I'm sure the community would appreciate you to continue with your passion, just try to be respectful of others and their bodies of work. I'm sure you don't have the best taste out there, if it can't be cited I'm sure there is another out there just as "perfect" if not better which could be sourced.
Thanks for steeming

My biggest issue was that the user that downvoted me, steemcleaners, referenced some random Tumblr blog as the "source" of the content.

Totally false, hypocritical bullshit.

Besides that, steemcleaners, the camwhore or anyone else, can simply mute or not vote.

I was new to steem, saw what was already being posted in nsfw, which is much more spammy than what I was posting, and decided to try it for myself. camwhore demands that I reference some sort of source, I could have just created a Tumblr blog, uploaded the same pictures, and referenced that as the source. I wasn't going to do that so I gave her my explanation.

That wasn't good enough for her, she decided to down vote me and report me to steemcleaners.

Now she and other peoples that followed her are pissed that they are getting the same treatment. They are hypocrites and I'm looking forward to bringing my own following here to level the playing field.

It's quite obvious to Mr, that the camwhore was jealous / pissed that she's not the only one getting votes in the nsfw tag. And doesn't want to see pictures of girls with beautiful breasts, when she's trying to solicit / spam her pancake tits here herself.

I've seen pepper's posts. I've seen her support other cam-models and even NSFW posts that repost from professional cam sites and clearly cite sources so I don't see her as someone who wants to be "the only one getting votes in the nsfw tag".

I have spent a lot of the past few days commenting on SPAM, copyright violations, reposts, copypasta, and general shitposts. I am so fucking oldfag anon that I was a member of Chameleon BBS in the fucking 80's which was before 'moot' was born... if anyone knows shitposts and copypasta it's me.

I have flagged a few things, and even leveraged the abuse reporting at @steemcleaners for a few things. Mostly I try to help users to figure out the best way to earn money by adding value to Steemit.

I get it. You're pissed that you got nuked. You didn't get nuked for posting copypasta (maybe a few of your posts did). You got account nuked for acting like an ass. @berniesanders was a pretty damn influential ass and he got nuked for being an ass too ... I actually supported his asshatery. Name calling, "revenge" flagging, and trolling are not helping anyone. You have a lot invested in Steemit, in fact you have a few grand that you can't get out of the system for TWO YEARS. Do you want to see this place turn into /b/ and have major world governments turn Steem into a completely valueless currency because the "free anonymous blockchain" becomes a part of the "darknet" that world governments actively work to destroy? Or would you rather see it become an active community of people who share original ideas and creativity while supporting each other's financial goals?

It really is your choice.

I don't troll. I don't play "power games". I tend to tell it like it is.

And speaking myself, as the guy who co-sysoped the biggest and first BBS in Washington DC Capital Connection, who first dialed a 300 baud modem into various little BBSes in 1983, you nailed this.

Even if you just linked to the tumbler page or pinterest account or whatever you copied from, it would demonstrate a token effort at being an honest blogger.

Instead your every action after being confronted proves you to be petulant, immature, antisocial, belligerent, irrational, and misogynistic in the extreme.

It's still not to late to turn over a new leaf, though. You can choose to take the high road and start over, abandoning this pettiness you have exhibited thus far. You'll be a better person for it.

I dont care, show me some boobs!! lol

If you care about this place not being shut down by IP lawyers like napster and limewire, et al, you might want to rethink that.

Hello @el-mago I just learned about your situation and i really feel we need to have liberty of expression. Yes you have used contents which were not yours, but still when you see on the forum how many tons of users are doing it and making big bucks out of it!

I will not name them it is too obvious, but it is very discouraging for many of us who is putting loads of time to deliver good content to the public.

Anyway you got another follower as i like your fighting attitude for a cause!

Bring on the BOOBS mate!!!

He isn't being attacked for, or denied, free speech. He is being attacked for plagiarism and abuse toward other users.

wasnt a case of liberty of expression.
mass spam flagging when taged plagarism copy pasting

this isn't about free speech, it's about making money from other people's work.

Bad call my new friend, you don't want this guy for a "friend"

Lol, steem, the currency backed by drama.

When a decentralized blockchain based social network has more "censorship" than Tumblr, a Yahoo inc. Company.

To be honest, part of the reason I'm doing this is to test drama on steem.

I have some money / crypto to play around with, return from investments and crypto sales.

When this happened to me, and I downvoted people, after a bunch of down votes they started getting less and less powerful. I started thinking about putting more money in.

Then I thought wow, what if this situation arose often? People with even more money to spend / invest, getting involved in some sort of drama, and then putting more and more money into steem to fuel their drama, interesting. I decided to put more money in to see where it would go, and am very interested to see if things like this keep happening in the future.

All these shitposting bloggers feeding on breadcrumbs by posting the same spammy news over and over and a picture of their backyard or pet or something should not be all steemit is used for.

I don't have a problem with them and would not have gone into their posts to down vote their useless drivel if they didn't do it to me

people that "test drama" are called trolls. the more you know.

His ex post facto justification is getting funnier and funnier.

Really not a fan of copyrights either, they seems to have it backward. They think the blockchain should prioritize the reward to their original content, they don't get that it's the stake holders that decide.

I agree that that this girl is far from a model but that's what we have so far in terms of "exclusive" content.

Seems like your low rep has muted you without a downvote on steemit, first time I see that.

you realize the main reason things got so bad for el-mago was the spam flagging accounts citing plagarism

Flagging abusive behavior and plagiarism is not abuse or censorship. Look at his comment history. It's not hard to verify which party was in the wrong, making threats and tossing insults.

indeed. calling people whores isn't helping your stance much.

I'm not interested in looking much further in his post history ;0
But flagging something below 0$ is shown by as censorship.

I advise seeking the necessary info to make an informed decision.

The content remains. Nothing is censored. Disapproval is not censorship.

Asking people to click 3 times more to show the content is "a bit like" censorship.

Not even close.

"You can't read this." Content is actually blocked and actively removed.

Not censorship:
"The general community has flagged this post as objectionable. Do you want to continue?"
"This user has a low reputation. Do you want to see the content anyway?"

That would be an informed audience and public information, not censorship.

I don't agree with flagging, I have never flagged anyone so I don't agree with anyone flagging you as also I don't agree with you flagging anyone. This should be a free place I shouldn't have to tell you what to post or what to do, that is your problem, if I think your post is plagiarized I might tell you, most probably I will just move on.
Now to something more important, what the hell is a pajeet bot?

I doubt I would've flagged anyone either, perfectly fine just ignoring or even muting content that I don't want to see. But when I started getting flagged, and then being explained a false logic (referencing Tumblr as a source) I went on a rampage.

I'm willing to be a martyr here, so aslong as pepper and others pay for their false logic, rogue reporting and rogue down voting

It's not just plagiarism. It's also abuse.


This has been his attitude ever since his plagiarism was brought up. No apologies, no source citing, just name-calling and threats. He is a bully, not a victim.

"The camwhore and the lonely internet dudes following her" : how many people are you mad at man? rest assured, we haven't told any of our fans about steemit yet. this is all people we've gained since starting here. :)

Keep it up, keep fighting, keep continuing something the camwhore started. Keep trying to power trip and I'll keep fighting back.

You tested the waters. Other users pointed out that you violated both the letter and spirit of the Steemit community rules. You had two options:

  1. Apologize and reform

  2. Lash out at others through insults, threats, and petty revenge flagging

You chose poorly, but now you want to play the victim.

All of us were n00bz once. All of us have screwed up one way or another. Some of us learned and improved. Those who did not are now gone, with their account reputations in shambles.

We survived @asshole's shenanigans. We survived the "experiment" by @smooth &co. We can handle your temper tantrum, too.

I would prefer to help you instead. I am willing to remove every flag I have posted on your account if you are willing to reform. I will upvote your future titty pix every now and then if you apologize for past misdeeds and make amends yourself. That is my peace offering. Take the terms or leave them as you like.

I will upvote your future titty pix every now and then if you apologize for past misdeeds

lol, that's though negotiation right there.

This will only work if everyone does it including steemcleaners, minnowsupport, aggroed, etc. aggroed last time just demanded me to remove my down votes. not offer to remove his as well, just remove mine or he'd use his auto voting system against me.

I don't need your votes, I don't need your support, nor do I want it. But I'm willing to remove my down votes only if everyone else does as well, otherwise, I won't do it. If you only remove yours, and no one else does, everything for me basically stays the same.

add cm-steem to the list

Otherwise, I continue with retribution plan

Retribution for what, pray tell? You would be better served abandoning this account and investing your resources into starting anew. Vengeance plans will just burn you in the long run. Your actions damage the very community that built the platform you claim to care about. Don't be cancerous.

Downvoted for calling her a "camwhore".

Same here, a concilatory attitude and stopping being a dick would go a long way to putting this behind everyone.

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