in #steemit7 years ago

I don't know about you, but when I write a post I always leave markdown styling to the end as I always have to look for the letter < or type < center > before the image and </ center > after the image to center it. I have more input languages on my keyboard so I always have to change it to english keyboard to write a post with letters like ' and with the markdown tags.

The markdown styling is very important on your posts. It gives your post a structure and makes it easier to read and the whole post is just nicer. But they are also very time consuming to do.

bold senteces,
line breaks,
and so on.

So I have made some very useful macros in Armoury to help me out. There are probably some free programs for download that will do the same thing, but what I like about Armoury software for ROG keyboard is that I can set it on a profile.

Am I going to do a Steemit post? Lets use a Steemit profile!

This is how the macro could look. As it is set to no delay it doesn't matter how much buttons you clicked here.

You can set the macros to your mouse or keyboard. I set the macros to letters that are close to my hands. F1 - F6, because when I am writing I am using mouse just to add images. Even then, centering images was never so easy! You can even set macros to words that are hard or something that you repeat in every post. This is life changing!

For me this means no more markdowns styling when I am done with the post, because I can do them as I am writing and just review them later if they are correct. It also means I can concenrate more on the structure and the post itself. Still, it takes a little time to know which keyboard button is which macro, but it still enormously faster than writing it on the keyboard.

Question to you steemians, how do you write your posts?

Thank you for reading!
My recent posts:



Hey nice. Now I just have to learn what a good structure looks like hah

Most important is probably text in paragraphs. Then some pictures to attract eyes. :)

Yeah. You are right. Leaving the formatting of text for the moment you have finished writing is the best way of doing it.

Hello @eirik please follow me back @mhdrizki and upvoted me, i will give you some suprise, have nice and great day

Great post...

thanks i didn't know anything about markdown styling -- big help and a big learning curve in front of me

I really don't mind banging out the markdown and html tags while I'm writing directly. Still, having some well-setup macros looks quite appealing.

Well played buddy. This looks so much informative post. Thank you for sharing. Btw, are you also a Dota player?

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