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RE: @matt-a - abuser of stake-weight and a yellow-backed flake. Whales - you should be self-managing yourselves better.

in #steemit7 years ago

Then ... as you are so self-assured. Why do you not explain why the data is either wrong or has been misinterpreted? It would be the sensible path towards preventing a repeat of the same mistake in comprehension, don't you think?
I would suggest it as a service to the whole community. The data is there before you. Tell me and everyone else why it is SO laughable and we will laud you for your insights and ability to read such data and extrapolate a different set of explanations therefrom.
Again, refusal - or simply ignoring such a suggestion - is the admission of guilt.


I could ask you to do the same thing:

Post proof of your accusations.

Why do I need to reinvent the wheel for you? Have you not read the replies to your thread that you've replied to?

There ya go again, trying to put words in my mouth, telling me about myself, etc. while you know nothing about me.

You're accusing Steem of being price-fixed . . . That speaks for itself. A decentralized, crypto-market, with millions of unrelated traders . . .

Let me reiterate. You. Do. Not. Know. What. You. Are. Talking. About.

I'm not going to break it down for you painstakingly when it has already been done. I could prove you wrong, take apart your brain, translate it into English for the world, and you'd still disagree and claim you're right.

To refute you is a waste of time, you're clearly a narcissist, incapable of criticism (e.g. you will not change your mind despite any evidence), and you're surely not going to admit that you're wrong or that you could ever, ever, ever be anywhere but absolutely right. You're claiming that the Steem blockchain is rigged . . . My god, there is no explanation necessary.

Honestly, are you just trolling, or do you actually believe in your very profound accusations? You seem like you'd fit right in with Alex Jones or something.

I did not claim that the blockchain was rigged
I showed that the supply of steem has been restricted to under 40% of its total circulation and that certain people appeared to have an advantage,.
Nothing to do with he blockchain. All to do with commodity markets.
Suggest you have another read.
I think you might find that you could be in deep kaka.
Shall we start again?

No, no starting again. You made your bed, and you're going to lay in it.

Yes, as a matter of fact, you did pretty much claim that this is all rigged by the powers that be:

"The price, as it stands, is ludicrous and it has been engineered through the management of currency supply."

"Steem is violently over priced/valued. It has to return to a sensible level. This whole scenario was driven by Steemit Inc. and so … it came as no surprise when I unearthed a little dirt in the detail."

"This kind of behaviour has a very clear Name Tag and it is not good.

I need comment no further. I am disgusted."

You're bashing the shit out of the place, yet here you sit, reaping, or trying to, its rewards while you're unappreciative and downright pouty. You're doing nothing but hurting the community with such crazy posts. You're being a conspiracy theorist that's acting as if they're infallible. Then you go and tell ME about ME, which was all, well, it was stupid. After you told ME about ME, you went on to straight up shit talk me. You're just acting like an unappreciative brat and I flagged you for it, then that REALLY got you butt hurt and you made an entire post about ME! It's all pretty funny, but not for you. You're really not making yourself look to bright here, man. I was even cordial about flagging you, saying I disagreed with your point and why I disagreed with it, and even apologized, which I now rescind.

It's bedtime for me, however. Have yourself a good night. Do some reflecting as you lay down tonight and ask yourself why you're being so accusatory and negative . . .

You have no idea what that post was about and yet you have damned it as BS.

You jumped up little squirt. Shall I publish your address or your bank statement first? You are just a dirty little guttersnipe who thinks they can throw their weight around. Well, get this pal. Life happens outside

You have a little karma with your address on it.

This is pretty low @ebryans

What is? Telling the truth?
Or may be greed and gouging and being complicit in poor standards?
Wanna join the immoral unethical lot? Go for it.
Myopia will never suit you.

You jumped up little squirt. Shall I publish your address or your bank statement first? You are just a dirty little guttersnipe who thinks they can throw their weight around. [...]

It seems kind of silly to have to say it, as it's so obvious, but the threat of publishing private information about @matt-a of course! The ranting I could take or leave (that goes for matt too) but this is a step too far.

The only way forward is an apology or you will have burnt several bridges here.

At first I thought that he was trolling or had some kind of interest that would benefit from attempting to damage the reputation of the platform, but now I clearly see that he's mentally ill and I feel bad for the guy . . . It's a shame, really.

Let me reply again. YES! Post it up!

Why do I say that? Because I know you can't. You're seriously embarrassing yourself to death right now. Can't wait to see what your temper tantrum breeds next!

I'm literally sitting here having a drink cracking up.

Let 'er rip! Do your nastiest, oh 1337 h4x0r of doom! I'm shakin' in my boots!

I'm also screenshotting all of this, as it's bound to be a comedy goldmine.

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