Passwords, permissions, getting logged out, you have a message ... oops, no, you don't

in #steemit8 years ago

Steemit, beta but could be better (I have used that line before)
There seems to be a plethora of infrastructure problems
I don't mind that - this is a brave new frontier with protocols which may need finesse.
BUT, don't leave us out in the dark, as the famous mushroom experience is repeated.

Can I not power up?
Can I not change my profile pic?
Do I consistently get logged out and it takes me 5 attempts (more in reality) to get back in?
Do I have a reply which does not exist?
Does nobody EVER reply to a functionality problem?

End of rant ... share the Lava


Thank you for bringing these issues up as I was going to say something as well. My most notable observation is that the desktop screen gives me one set of numbers while my mobile screen gives me another.

Such is life in beta.

It's not like it is just off the shelf - is there any maintenance going on or are the inmates running the asylum (I have said this before too!)

Don't know either way, mate. Only really been active on the platform for 8 days.

Heya really sorry your having such a hard time. Honestly tho I think all of your problems are being caused by browser caching issues. Do you know how to hard refresh your browser? On chrome it is ctrl+shift+r Hopefully that helps.

I can assure you that this is not the issue. This post has been "unsteemed" and only appears in my blog. I received a reply to my follow up post to which I asked if the person 1. works for Steemit and 2. Can resolve the issue. No reply

it has miraculously reappeared - interesting! Someone is watching!

That is because those are real people and you are being belligerent. I am done here until you choose to develop a civil tone.

excuse me! just how have I been belligerent? I have been perfectly civil throughout! I have simply asked questions which contain zero belligerence - I am trying to add to the community and I find it hard to understand why I am treated thus! Please feel free to read what I write, should you choose! Making positive suggestions is not what I would term as belligerent. Having worked in digital media, I do have a modicum of knowledge ... btw, why did you think I was on chrome?

Might have put this in the wrong reply place, my apologies; just pretty disgruntled at being treated like an idiot and being criticised for being reasonable! : Please could you read this and explain my belligerence:

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