Englishman trying to add value ... Texan ... you decide ... whale (orca) behaviour ... sociopathic ...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


feeding time at the steemarium

Steemit whales (they think that killer whales (orcas) are whales), orcas and dolphins are a strange bunch.
You write something about them and they read it but do not vote. Their vote is too valuable!
The fact that your post adds value to them ... immaterial! They read because they can.
They do not reply because it is probably a sign of weakness that they have even acknowledged a mere minion's scribblings.
Feudal systems were not designed in this way.


People keep saying, 'Don't take these people on' - my response involves a couple of digits

So, my post about increasing the value of steem ... read by lots of people (orcas) ... replies/comments ... none - too busy!

Undeterred by the active ostracism of a bunch of sociopathic wankers, I proceed. One of the subjects about which I am concerned greatly is Fracking - the process of extracting oil and gas trapped within rock and shale by injecting highly diluted chemicals under high pressure in order to crack/fracture the rock/shale formation, thereby releasing the 'goodies'!

Fresh Water – and why Fracking will put us in the Darwin Awards – as a Species.

Well, wasn't I given a slap! Texan orcas - sorry, whales - should not be subjected to such paucity of prose.
Someone decided that I was entirely - not just misinformed - but actively misleading in my assessment of the practice.


An orca and calf - Orcas are part of the dolphin family

After a couple of tits for tits (tats were busy too) I eventually received this generous suggestion:

"... go home...you're drunk."

Well, I am not sure about you but my appetite for such ignorance has been well met by such well educated people. I enjoyed scribing my reply which came straight off the umbrage which I took - he thought that was an umbrella - just misspelt!
My reply [unedited]:

"Of course I am drunk! Why in the hell would I be more coherent than a fucked up sociopath like yourself? It is my my only refuge!
As I was taught - from a very young age - when you point a finger in accusation - and may I suggest that as a ZZ-Top lookalike you really ought to have worked this out before now - when you point a finger of accusation at somebody - shit ... I am so drunk that I can barely see my keyboard - it is wobbling like a jelly with .... the giggles ... when you point the finger of accusation at someone ... my ellipsis is even drunk ... is that three or four ... anyway, you ought to realise that in accusations , as the psychiatrist whom you have yet to employ will tell you, that the finger of accusation has one finger pointing in my direction - three others are pointing back at you. Try it! It is true!!!
Have you not yet discovered the simple art of learning that making a mistake is easily remedied by saying "I am sorry"?
I fuck up very often, as do we all.
Your demeanour suggests that you can stiff a one-iron into a howling gale from 430 yards to within 3 inches... well, good on you ... the real people with whom I wish to spend time are with me by the fire enjoying a damned good yarn with a single malt from Skye. You have proven your point whilst you pick your very fine ballata coated golf ball out of the 11th cup.
It is a bloody long way back to the clubhouse but far enough that by the time you get here, we will have finished up and moved on to one of our homes. I asked the barman to call you a cab.
I left you a towel so you can tidy yourself up.
Have you put your finger of accusation down yet?
Happy New Year to the ... nuff said."

Why am I posting this revelation of behaviour?
Good question. There is no name attached to the behaviour of the person to whom I refer - you can see that for yourselves - there is, however an important point to be made about 'Social Media'.
Shall we be?


When an orca gets pissed off at arrogance and bigotry, look out, even Texans!

Witnesses on steemit are your assurance of confidence in the system.

When you vote for witnesses, think about someone less obvious:

Listed at No. 53 is @timcliff, not even appearing on the list because you can only see to number 50. You have to write his name in the box! One for the scutineers. @timcliff is a really good steemmate of mine, a very trustworthy and dependable guy who thinks for himself and for you.
Gandalf is No.17, the person who gave me a realisation that despite all the fake names, we have humans; he is a techy looking after security. He is listed as @gtg but he is known by his Mum and on Steemit Chat as Gandalf!

So, go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses - you need your authorisation password

And be sure to include 17 @gtg & 53 @timcliff

Meantime for integrity and Truth, follow @ebryans



hahah ! really liked your post ! im close to being a dolphin and too far from Orca then Whales to worry about them ! lol ! thier seldom seen and seldom upvote ! But its a nice acknowledgement when they do ! I have already voted for witnesses @timcliff and @gtg ! so my witness list is full at 30 ! great picks though ! steem on ! ♨🍷🍾🍸🍺♨

What a very thoughtful reply - thank you! I am just the messenger who perpetually gets shot!
I do steem on and I trust that you will as well.
Have a great day and thank you again for your kind remarks.

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