
livemoral and livehonest are mine. They were inspired as a countermeasure against control freak flaggers. Tho my name is being placed on abuse reports by steemcleaners and others in their posts, I do have followers that understand me because they take the time to talk to me and understand that I am a real person and not a piece of trash to just silence. There has been much talk of the new network and the flagging. It is unstable at the moment apparently by the spamming and the flagging capabilities. Until the system is changed, people are forced and new users such as myself that came to create as an artist, to go to usable and available measures to have a voice. It is no secret that some abuse the steempower they posess. And use it to control what and who is seen. The network cannot go around labeling people like a real monster tho in the name and expect any other type of results. I like others, am but a product of what has happened to me since I have been here on steemit. Being a person, and being strong...this is what I do tho others clearly see it another way about the network, nevermind the people driving the blogs right. I stand in the way that I can to be heard. It's as easy as my name was tagged here, so I get to come tell my story somewhere that maybe the world can see. Because on my blog all is gone, all taken and washed away by the very people we helped to empower. This is like a steemit bad presidency. But, no one will see me from my corner anymore. How would that feel to you and your blog?
Are you not human? Do you not get angry? Are you not equal no matter wshat belief in humanity? Then why I ask does this network throw my name about like I am but a statistic of another failed video game. This is my stand. I will have wrongs, I will have rights. I will be me until my voice is well heard. I mean no harm I only want my blog and my voice.

I get angry. I don't lash out at people that did nothing to me. I challenge those that did attack me with my words.

The thing is... you came to my attention because I was flagged 3 times. That is more than just @asshole. So I looked... saw your accounts. I went into steemd and looked at them and noticed that you essentially were just going down the line down voting people.

This means you were attacking people that didn't attack you.

Someone silenced you... they SHOT you.

Your answer was to start shooting at all the people around you.

If you were to read my blog you would find that I have been quite vocal and extensive in my views of the abuse of the flag.

So I actually was an ally/advocate for people that are silenced like you.

I say something about it and your answer is to insult, and troll me.

This does not work in reality. Those techniques are ONLY useful for pissing people off. People pissed off at you don't tend to suddenly decide to help you.

And to illustrate my point.... Here is a post I made 4 days ago... it also has links to all of my anti-flagging related posts in it.

Like I said. I was the person you wanted on your side. I am not powerful, but I treat people decent and with civility so that means I can be a voice for people. Yet, I also know there is no magic solution so I try to keep the issues active in the mind of the developers while also trying to find out a way to FIX this issue that will not open the doors to further exploits.

If you need an analogy... I am kind of like the pro-bono lawyer that would have represented you, yet someone insulted/wronged you and when you pulled out your gun and just started firing all around you like mad you shot the lawyer too.

I mean no harm I only want my blog and my voice.

Yet you chose to do harm rather than simply raise your voice.

You keep speaking, people will hear. If you are calling people names and such they likely will not listen.

If you speak as you did in this post to me people will listen.

Insults are useless for anything other than antagonizing someone. They don't actually solve problems.

They may make you FEEL better, but if your goal is to solve problems they are a bad tool.

As to your accounts. You kind of tanked them. It is theoretically possible to lift them out of the mire, but I know people muted you and your reputation is very low at this point. I only unmuted you because I saw you had responded as it flashed on my screen before the mute removed it (yeah their mute is not 100% effective) to give you the benefit of the doubt.

If you are serious about posting and having a blog my advice to you would be...

  • Start a fresh account
  • Post things you are passionate about
  • Treat people with respect, and civility, even when it is going bad. It is not easy, but it is WORTH it.
  • If you look at my post berniesanders is one of the most powerful guys out there, and I do think at times he abuses his power. I challenged him on it but I tried to keep it civil and based upon facts rather than emotions. He is the one that chose to insult me, and to descend to ad hominem attacks. So in those cases I came out okay because when people see someone else attack people with insults that is being reasonable they don't admire the person using insults. It decreases their reputation in the mind of people. Now he is super powerful so of course he's still going to have his friends who get regular up votes from him, and he is also human, so he can change. I hope that he does, because I've seen him do some good things too. It is simply that attacking people subjectively with the flag, or with insults do not really lend a good reputation to someone. I have not lost all my respect for him, as he can still surprise me with good things he does. I simply wish people would stop attacking each other. If they use words and choose insults and the person they are insulting does not then it makes them look the fool. Insults really only work if both parties are resorting to such tactics
  • Post quality content... treat it like fishing... if it gets good votes great... if it doesn't try something else. Some of my favorite posts I made $0.00 on. I stopped trying to GUESS when they would succeed. I just write about things I am interested in, and I try to grow the community. I try to reach people like you and get you to put away your swords and guns and encourage you to be civil and use your words with civility and decency.

Thought of another idea... don't know if it is too late... go remove the down votes from people who didn't do anything to you... or better yet from everyone. Why resort to the tactics of those that screwed you?

Get the word out through @skeptic or someone and perhaps people will remove their flags and mutes from you. I cannot guarantee it will work, but contrition and apologies sometimes do work. Some people can't let go of a grudge though so you seriously might consider a new account.

One last thing... my reputation is high enough that your down vote didn't do anything to me. However, when I saw you lashing out enmass... your reputation was high enough to damage the reputation of other new people.

That is why I flagged you. I would flag @asshole too... but, they haven't posted, replied, or commented with that account so they haven't given anyone anything TO flag.

I simply came to create and was met with flagging and silence on my blog. That means it killed it for me. New user, new customer. I have my views, and my talents. But to be silenced is wrong.

Yes, but I never flagged your blogs once. Yet you attacked me and a lot of other people that never did anything to you. Then when I challenged you on it instead of realizing this you instead doubled down and decided it was a cool thing to troll me, and insult me.

If that is an honorable way you think people that haven't done anything to you should be treated then you killed your blog. Some jerk may have messed up some of your posts, and if people like me heard about it we would have come to your defense. Yet you have to stick it out until we notice. We are not super heroes with a bat signal.

Yet, protesting by lashing out at those that did nothing to you does NOT make people like me feel sorry for you.

There are a lot of people protesting that way in the world, and I think they are morons.

Smashing windows of businesses, bashing cars, because they don't like what Trump says, or what someone else says.

It is wrong, it is stupid.

I unmuted you long enough to respond. I will leave you unmuted so I can see what you say, but if you decide you need to be an ass and insult me then I'll click the button and that will be that.

But yes, using your own account to blanket flag was a bad mistake for your account. @asshole, @livemoral @livehonest all are accounts that appear to be created just to troll and flag, so whomever owns those accounts their main account should be uneffected. That is a way to currently game the system, but I suspect seeing it happen will likely inspire something to fix that in the future.

Oh one other thing... insulting someone and using profanity is NOT an effective way to EVER convince someone you are right. It actually can destroy what credibility you may be striving for. If you don't think you need credibility then you do not understand how to persuade people. People will not simply agree with you because you think you are right. You have to convince them or already have a good reputation and respect. If you resort to insults and profanity towards someone you destroy that process.

And for the record I believe you being silenced is wrong too. Yet attacking people who did nothing to you is NOT the answer.

Are you done you little nerd? You must not know about me. All that talk for no reason. I don't give in. If there as an award for wasted time you would walk away from this post with a shiny blue 1st place ribbon you know that.

It's worth a try. Sometimes it is worth it. Often you are correct it is a waste of time. It is worth the attempt though for those times that it does work out.

Little is funny... I wish I could call myself little. :)

Also "giving in" is not a real thing. If you are wrong and you won't admit it because you think that is giving in, then all that really means is you are being a fool.

I am wrong and am not afraid to admit it when I notice it. It is not bravery to resist change and not give in. That is cowardice and hiding in safety.

You should not view it as "giving in", but rather as listening and deciding if anything I said had value. If you believe you already know everything and have no need to change then don't bother with making new accounts as likely they are right in the state they will remain.

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