Posts with 500$ reward... How should they look???

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

It's difficult to stay objective in this topic.

Many of us upvote with our hearts not using our brains at all. We will always disagree about quality of some posted content, so our opinions about what those posts deserve are different. I've seen many flags lately waving across the network. Some users will claim that those were justified while others will support the flagged one. People categorize the quality very differently so we have a big messy mashup on the trending page filled with always the same names. I am sure that some of those "regular winners" could post a blank page and get the same reward as always.


It was interesting to watch these days, when Steemvoter didn't work, how many real upvotes you could get from people that actually scroll their feeds. But it seems that those who were at the trending page remained there with only slightly less upvotes.
Now, we must understand that Steemit is much about curation and those who have a little bit more Steem Power than an average user, play that curation game because it can get them good earnings. Those above average users actually decide where the rewards will go. While they struggle to get those curation rewards, they must act wisely and upvote those posts that they know that they will get great rewards.


How to recognize those posts?

In order to predict the rewards of some post, you have to check the author. And you don't have to be so smart to predict it. If the author got nasty rewards yesterday, on the day before and on the before, he will get it and today! So, if many stronger users run curation race, always the same names will end up on the trending page.
I was always against of upvoting author, so I upvote content. It is very hard for new users to get some attention. First, they have to learn keep up with all, learn a lot new things and adjust themselves to the new type of social network. I this "adjusting" period some could get a bigger reward from some supporting trail or a guild, but if you get it, be sure that you won't get the same amount again for at least one month.
Many Steemit users have already decided about the percentage of their voting power that they will give to some (always the same) users before they even opened the post! For newer users who still don't know, when you pass 350 Steem Power, you will get a slider that gives you the opportunity to chose with how much you will reward some author. Your voting power battery recovers for 10 of 100% upvotes every day, so if you are below 350 Steem Power and you don't use eSteem, you can give only 100% upvotes so don't get too wasteful. Use Steemstats to monitor your own account and any other account that you want.

Let's get back to the question in the title. Posts with 500$ reward... What they should like?

When I asked my friend for his opinion, he told me that the 500$ post should be made of gold. Well, I wouldn't be so strict about it, since we all want opportunity to have some success from time to time, there gotta be posts with 500$ reward. And posts with 0.00$ reward, of course. If someone posted a random photo with few words about it and got 2$, there has to be a post 250 times better that it. But what "better" means at all! My "better" is not your "better" so we should make different decisions about rewarding someone and results should be an interesting trending page with different names every day. Everyone who took this seriously and uploads original and quality content deserves an opportunity to reach the trending page at least once. Unfortunately, the same names suffocate that list every day and that leads to dissatisfaction on the users, debates with bitter end and even network wars.

I already mentioned that our judgement about the quality is different from user to user, so I will just tell you my own opinions about what kind of posts deserves 500$reward.

  1. Efforts don't always mean quality. There are many 2500-word post with not particularly great content. An inexperienced writer should practice his new found skills and Steemit is a great place for that, even to improve your English.
  2. I like photography but if you posted one photograph of sunset with one sentence below it, AND IF I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOU, I am sorry, but I can't give you more than 10% upvote.
  3. Posts worth of 500$ should be interesting and make me to think about it for some time. It can even make me to visit it and read it again.
  4. If your post is not friendly, I'm sorry, I'll skip it.
  5. If you make me piss my pants by laughing with an something clever and original, I will not hesitate to give you 100% upvote.
  6. And off course, in the spirit of originality, you should source all your images, screenshots, videos and quotes that you have taken from someone else.


I avoid to upvote food, travel, announcements and other stereotypes. Also with crypto news, trading tutorials and predictions. If those traders were so successful as traders, why they don't decline their rewards? Of course there are great guys in those categories that I support every day.
But to get Steemit on the right road, it seems that we have to be blind, forget our friends, our countrymen, our regular followers and judge only the quality of the post without looking the pending rewards of the same. But that will never happen, so if you have blame someone for the mess on the trending page, blame me and yourself!

I am very curios about your opinions. What kind of posts deserves 500$ reward? If we talk about it, we could get a clear picture about how the trending page should look!

Thank you!!!



This could be the single most important debate at the moment for this platform.

I think there should be a maximum post pay-out, based on reputation. And reputation should be earned through a perputual election (like the witness system). But that's not a popular opinion. I'm looking forward to interesting new ideas about it.

The reputation just shows your experience as a Steemer. If someone comes from(let's say) Reddit and he is already great blogger, his Steemit reputation doesn't say anything about his quality! Thanks for your opinion!

I agree with your points completely but i am curios to know why you avoid to upvote food & travel posts?

I like food posts but the most were written in same style so if I wanted to upvoe one, I should upvote them all! And there are so many food posts, many Steemers are dedicated to write them and they have pretty good attention. As those posts are not the best content that I will think about them after the reading, I think that I don't need them.
Travel - this topic was great in the beginnings of Steemit. Suddenly, every simple Steemer started posting about the visit to his grandma. A lot of nice photos, but rarely good information about the place. those who post their travels on regular basis, the most of their posts are the same thing with different photos and everywhere is just beautiful.

As you say there are many steemians who post lot about food, that means you are not helping those many steemians ... No need to upvote them all, show support only towards the best...

I din't say that I never upvote them I said that I avoid it. But of course, when some good smell comes from my monitor, I will give you my upvote. I help many users, what can say more about that than this:

We need more curators like you...

Thank you, I kinda never spare my battery

Im dont think we have to forget our friends and faithful followers to clean up things. Short of a cure for cancer, no post is 500 bucks worth. I have said from way back there should be a cap on earnings per post and also a 4 post a day limit. That would go a long ways to getting things right!

@old-guy-photos, totally agree with you, where is the common sense in such huge rewards? And more agree with limiting number of posts..If you have limit than maybe you have to think more of it what shall you post and how you will make more of it.

There are times where post will be short but the content will be meaningful whereas there are times where you will see a long post with an atom of sense in it.

To me I think post that deserves such award should be posts that contain relevant information.

Yes, but there are awesome posts without relevant info. Let's say art! >And they deserve rewards too!

You are right tho'

Nice post dude !

No post deserve 500$ reward. I have powered up a lot lately. My upvote 100% is worth >2.5$ and therefore i get very picky about the quality of the content I upvote. When I see a post with more than 50$, I usually give no less than 10% - however good it may be - because I think my upvote will be more essential and necessary somewhere else.

Well, I am a little bit different but I agree with you. I upvote too much, when my voting power battery is higher than 60%, I start to feel bad...

I try to avoid voting on blogs with big rewards. They don't need my vote, if they get 250$ by default in minute 1, that's all they deserve, also you should flag that shit. Community should look into this, don't vote for big earners, they have enough. Vote for new struggling users with good content.

Those are content issues, rarely some of these over-rewarded authors posts something good. But from time to time I find some strange/unusual name but well rewarded with good content! That name will not show up AND TOMORROW on trending so I will support that user's content, no matter of the momentarily big reward

If there were more people like you, there would be quality stuff trending. Now, just mediocre, if not trash...

Sorry, I have no SP left, all have been delegated out.
What can I do now?

This comment is more valuable than any upvote

Power Up this post with @dragonpower / @whalepower

To be honest, I don't think I have seen a post that deserves 500$. That said, I think the highest-paid posts should be those that generate most value for the platform.

Speaking from the perspective of someone who is a photographer, I would like to see more photographers that publish their photos excusively on Steemit. Exclusivity creates value. Would you agree? :)

Sadly, I have seen reposted pictures with little to no text that make a lot of money.

There must be posts worth 500$. Best inspiration for new users to come. But not always the same names! And I agree, exclusive creates value

Hello @dumar022,

This post deserves it. I feel that quality should improve over time, and the authors that are working toward bettering themselves and the community should be forefront.


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