How to get RICH in 5 easy steps (and 1 hard step)!

in #steemit6 years ago


How to get RICH in 5 easy steps (and 1 hard step):

  1. Invent (or borrow) a time machine van.
  2. Using the van, travel back in time one to two years.
  3. Sign up to (at a time when it didn't take 10+ days).
  4. Make posts and comments.
  5. Upvote posts and comments. (The posts and comments from Step 4 are fair game.)
  6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for one to two years.

VRoooooooooooooM! STEEM to the moon!
; )


Come on man... That sounds like a ton of work! I could simplify to 4 steps with the 4th optional:
1 invent the van
2 go back in time
3 buy a metric ass ton of BTC, ETH
4 sit back and get fat

Like I said, number 4 is optional. First three are key!

Dude, you're not supposed to TELL everybody! Sheesh!
When you discover a secret like that, you should post it on your blog, you'll make bank!
No wonder I'm only up to 34c on this post.... too many steps!

I would not have found STEEMIT when I did if it was not for Jeff Berwick..................Jeff's First Steemit Post.....................

Not a bad Payday on his very first post..

Nice! Yeah I liked Berwick a lot a year or two ago, he's still alright. Wow did he really get that much?
I kept hearing about it from Dan Dicks at Pressfortruth. I kept avoiding the signup because it required a phone number. Finally I couldn't justify delaying signup for that reason any longer. Now I wish I hadn't delayed at all. Still, I wish the phone number wasn't required AT ALL!
In any case, I'm super motivated now that I'm here. Can't go back in time... but we can maximize the present and the future : D

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STEEM 0.20
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JST 0.030
BTC 64599.25
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55