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RE: ATT: STEEMIT COMMUNITY If You Are Using A Free Image Hosting Site To Upload Your Photos:: What happens if the site shuts down?

in #steemit8 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the link craig! It's definitely a huge upgrade from what I was using! (However, if it shuts down it still leaves the same problem of losing all of your images...) You're a crypto-currency genius, you know about storj and how they work, right? Giving coin in exchange for hard drive it possible steemit can come up with a similar platform? At some point, anyway?


dirtyimg only stores the image for 15 mins, so you have 15 mins to post it on steemit then it is deleted from dirtyimage, but still remains on steemit, this means worrying about image hosts shutting down is not an issue, for your image to go away then steemit would have to shut down, not the image host.. try dirtyimg, you will see, it was created by a steemian for steemit users

Okay then, that's a huge problem solved, thanks man!

the same rule applies to all image host, not just dirtyimg

Okay, wow, great!!

this image was uploaded and posted in my blog about 1 week ago, it no longer exists on dirty image as it was deleted after 15 mins.. but it is still on steemit. if you copy the url and paste it in your browser you can see iot does not exsist on dirtyimg, but it is on steemit

As I said, huge problem solved! That's awesome, thanks again! Beautiful photo too :)

Have you tried the new kid on the block?

Oh wow, this is an old post! Haha, actually these days I just drag an image directly from my folders and drop it in steemit, works great :)

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