Steemit versus versus Medium - A Real Experiment And Its Partial Conclusions

in #steemit7 years ago

A couple of weeks ago I decided to do a little experiment: post the exact same article on 3 different media outlets: Steemit, and Medium. The goal of the experiment was to understand how and in which way each of these media channels are helping an author.

The article is China Forbidding ICOs: Why This Is A Good Thing For The Crypto Ecosystem (that's the Steemit link). Here are the Yours and Medium links as well:

Before giving you the results, a few words about each of these channels (excluding Steemit, obviously, since I assume you know how this works)

  • Yours is a publishing platform which pays with Bitcoin Cash (!) and it is in a very early stage, although it was announced at least one year ago. In order to generate revenue, one must tip the author of an article, by upvoting. This process triggers a transaction by which a certain amount of BCC (established by the author of the post) is transferred to the author.
  • Medium is a veteran in online publishing, but recently it was also doing baby steps in the pay-per-post area. There is a metric called "clap" (a sign of appreciation, basically a vote) which can be transferred into money, by using a special fund. Honestly, this was way too complicated for me to do further research. The process of becoming a beneficiary of this fund is also complicated and it's not decentralized at all (you must be "approved").

After one week, here are the results:

  • Steemit post made $17.91 (off of which there was also curation, so probably around $12). It was read by 80 people, had 20 comments and received 101 votes
  • post made a whopping 10cents, by receiving one upvote
  • Medium post made 0 in revenue, generated 6 fans and it was read by 169 persons

Partial Conclusions

This experiment was way too simple to generate consistent conclusions, so I decided to call them "partial conclusions", a fancy term for my own biased opinions. But as biased as they may be, these partial conclusions may turn useful for somebody, so here they are:

  • Steemit is by far the winner, simply because it actually pays
  • Yours is way too young to be considered by a serious author, unless you're just copy-pasting your articles, hoping Google will not penalize you for duplicate content
  • Medium is the leader of the "vanity" metrics: you get fans, readers but zero revenue. Don't get me wrong, even if you don't get direct revenue, a high-profile medium author can still make some money by old fashion "audience based" tricks: selling courses, speaking gigs, etc, but these are somehow on top of the writing itself, which is not an asset anymore, but a marketing expense.
  • I think Yours made a very big strategy mistake by limiting themselves to Bitcoin Cash
  • No matter which platform you use, creating and maintaining an audience is still your job. No matter how advanced a publishing platform is, it won't bring you the audience, you have to work for that.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

You can also vote for me as witness here:

If you're new to Steemit, you may find these articles relevant (that's also part of my witness activity to support new members of the platform):


Nice post! Guess you have a much bigger and loyal following on Steemit, so it probably not directly comparable. Had not even heard about Yours, before your post.

Nice experiment . And thanks for sharing

@dragosroua - Great experiment and it really shows how far Steemit has evolved. However, there is one possible thing that a critique may question in your methodology. On Steemit, you are a level 72 senior Steemian. This means your following has been built up and you have admirers who readily upvote your posts. Is this so also on Yours and Medium?
Again - I am a Steemit fan and I love your experiment. Just mentioning an aspect that you may want to keep in view as you experiment further on this aspect. Thanks

Thanks. Upvoted.

Interesting to see the comparison. I had heard of Medium but hadn't heard of Both seem interesting but I'm content with Steemit and it seems the results, although with a simple trial, point to Steemit being far superior anyway. Definitely confirmed what I already thought in some ways though.

Interesting... I will be completely honest though, this experiment seems flawed unless you post equally on all of the platforms. You have a really great presence here, do you spend a lot of time on Medium as well?

I used to post at least once a month a couple of years ago, but I confess I am not having an audience there. You are right: the experiment IS flawed, and it is not complete, but at least it reveals the difference in metrics, or the contrast between instant gratification (ok, 7 days gratification) of Steemit, and the vanity metrics of Medium. As things stabilize here, I may give Medium another, more serious, shot.

nice post @dragosroua, i really appreciate your analysis, steemit is simply the best. thanks for sharing

Thanks for the research @dragosroua, I was wondering what else is available.. That what community is all about..

I have Yours too and I really don't like it
It will never be as good as
It's good to get yourself on more than one platform to grow your fan Base
Thanks for sharing your experience

The number of "followers" on each platform is also a important factor to this experiment but I don't think it can explain the discrepancies in revenue. Had no idea these platform existed, interesting experiment :)

Obviously, the numbers of hard activated users (followers) is vital, that's why I called the conclusions "partial" and that's why I finished with the audience bit. But even without that, the experiment was interesting, at least for me.

It surely was interesting. I am wondering if there are any platforms that could pull of "a facebook" on steemit (what facebook did to myspace ).Because I would definitely want to jump in early on something like that.

Interesting to see this comparison, I had heard of the others but hadnt made the time to check them out, based on this post I think focusing on Steemit is the best use of my time at the moment

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