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RE: Do You Care Too Much About Steemit Blogging Rewards? Find Out Here.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

:)) Thanks for the laugh.

This early in STEEM and Steemit's life, I don't really care.

I'm here for the long term.

It surprises me how intelligent people, with both technical and soft skills, fail to realize a very simple truth: there's no fucking guarantee that there will be a long term Steemit! This so called "long term" commitment is based on what's happening now, right now. How do you really see Steemit evolving as a platform if this behavioral trend will continue?

Your suggestion to hide the rewards on Steemit is both hilarious (that's why I thank you for the laugh) and worrying. Why would I hide something that I was called for? Steemit slogan is: "blog and get paid". Why would I want to take this out of the picture? If I want a Medium-style experience, then, for God sake, I go on Medium. If I want a reddit-like experience, I go on reddit. It's so obvious that my mind is literally stopping and I just start laughing, that's all I can do when facing this non-sensical advice.

I've been a long term advocate of Steemit, I'm a witness and I'm running a seed node, and yet, I can't tell I'm happy with what's happening here. And it's not the code. It's the people. It's the moral standard that is degrading and that it pervades everything.

The experiment was an abuse (please be advised that I even supported it in the beginning). One of my posts, which was published before the experiment started, and which had only a few hours until payment, was downvoted. Why? To extend the payment window with another 8 hours in which they will downvote even more of it? There was no communication, no methodology, no timeline, nothing. It was just a few people deciding to countervote other people, under the pretext of "giving minnows and dolphins a chance". That would be hilarious, if it wouldn't be frightening.

I'm not upset at all, I'm just observing what's happening and how the quality of relationships is rapidly degrading here.


no fucking guarantee that there will be a long term Steemit

Do you have examples of blockchains which no longer exist? Seems to me it's a reasonable assumption that the STEEM blockchain will stick around for quite some time because it would be quite difficult to remove it completely, but we can certainly disagree on this. I never asked for a guarantee about much of anything. Not even sure such a thing exists.

my mind is literally stopping

Yeah, I kind of picked up on that. :)

the quality of relationships is rapidly degrading here.

IMO, that's based on your perception of the relationships you are personally connected to. You probably have a lot of evidence to support your claim as I'm sure not all relationships are improving. I'd also argue not all relationships are degrading. I'm having the opposite experience and have for quite some time. We all have our perspectives and opinions on what's best for the platform and community. I'm glad we can share them openly on the blockchain.

I wouldn't suggest hiding the rewards permanently because, as you said, that would defeat the purpose of the platform which separates it form other platforms. That's why this is a temporary process, one that is quite interesting. You might want to try it for a while and see if it changes you in any way.

my mind is literally stopping

Yeah, I kind of picked up on that. :)

+1 for the irony. I wish you would be just as quick in picking up other clues as well. :)

When I say the Steem blockchain may not be here, I'm taking into account how this specific blockchain works. It is based on DPOS, in other words, it needs witnesses which are required to implement a certain consensus. It needs peope to agree on stuff. I'm sure you know the protocol, so I'm surprised you're asking me for examples. There are plenty, by the way. Some blockchains are simply made obsolete and the devs / users are moving to a new architecture, such is the case with NXT / Ardor. There are tons of other blockchains that are simply on autopilot, with nodes being shutdown randomly, until they cease to exist.

Given a case where you need consensus to run the network, it may go down really fast, if the relationships quality goes below a certain level. I'm saying it again: I'm a witness, I run a seed node and I ran a few writing challenges and campaigns here on Steemit in the last 4 months, so I'm all for contributing and evolving. I'm doing my best to support the network. I think Steem is a promising technology and I (still) think it will be an interesting business to be part of.

And yet, the way things are evolving in the Steem ecosystem is quite toxic. There's no communication, no visible leadership (people mistake decentralization with lack of leadership, this is wrong on so many levels) and a general approach of "I don't really care about what you think, I have more SP than you, so I'm entitled to whatever I want to do here". Almost every day we are facing some subtle form of abuse (flagging being probably the most visible). It's like the boiling frog example: small increase in temperature, until the frog dies. Small increase in abuse, until we will no longer be a censorship-resistant, cutting-edge social media thingie, but a large, meaningless content factory, ran by a mob-like clique.

For a while, it's healthy to disguise this in the "we're in beta, let's break things apart" sentence and move on, but there's a certain threshold at which you start to question the ROI you get just by witnessing all this drama.

We are, obviously, free to agree to disagree on this one.

P.S. The very fact that I'm still here, voicing my concerns, is proof that I care and I want improvement. The alternative is to simply, silently leave. Or just stop posting and commenting and milk the shit out of this until it dies.

The fact that you (and others) are still here, with all the criticisms and frustrations gives me hope that this blockchain will be here and active for quite some time. Many other blockchains don't actually support a product. Those who have chosen to make Steem their preferred blog home have a motivation to keep it alive. Yes, something better may come along down the road, and I'm all for that.

Thankfully we don't need perfect consensus here. Just enough to keep things going. I also like that anyone can be a leader, even people like me who aren't witnesses but like to share ideas. We all lead through our words and actions and everyone is free to follow however they like. It's a beautiful thing.

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