How To Make It On Steemit - The 7 Steps Formula Nobody Told You About (Proven Strategy, This Really Works!)

in #steemit7 years ago

1. be patient

2. be really patient

3. write good content

4. write really, really good content

5. genuinely engage with people and don't force friendship, nor beg for votes

6. ignore the price swings: there's only two directions STEEM can go: up or down, so either way it's ok

7. breathe in, breath out and keep being patient

Everything worth having takes time, folks. This is not a get-rich-quick-shit. And the title was sarcastic, obviously, sorry to disappoint you.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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You are a genius, creative thinker, making everyone's eyes look like they want to work.
thanks for sharing..
See also my post might be interesting

  1. Post with a clickbait title and then disappoint every reader :p

Seriously tho, nothing is free and it's always funny to watch people chase the money. FOTM (flavor of the month) is a term used in gaming, and that fits here aswell. Guess a lot of people didn't like patience being a requirement

I have been trying not to let the drop in price bother me but it has been a struggle. I believe that sticking with it through the dips is going to be very beneficial in the long run.

If a dip from $2 to $1.3 bothers you then probably this thing is a bit difficult to swallow. I've been on the platform and kept blogging even when the price was under 10 cents. And many other people that are now called "dolphins" or "whales".

Definitely is the case. Through the dips, not only must you not slack off, but if you really want to benefit you need to double-down.. If not, even triple-down! That's what generates results :)

Indeed , i learned a lot in 1 months of being here , started from copy pasting and eventually realizing thats not how this platform works and i just started being more patient about improving my blogging skills , and just getting into it u know :)
After couple of years and it's gonna pay off big, if we gonna be consistent and putting effort on posts!
I love ur apps btw

CQC: create quality content. Stick to that rule and everybody will be happy

Super useful post, thanks so much for sharing this. I think a lot of people come in with the expectation that they'll be successful quickly. However, it takes a lot of hard work before you begin to develop an audience for your material.

I think this is the key, getting the correct audience for your material. People seem to come on here and trawl through every post no matter the subject, comment and follow the person just in an attempt to get a re-follow. This seems nonsensical to me because most of these people won't read the stuff that they write about.

So I have been trying to do exactly what @dragosroua has said and build relationships. More importantly meaningful relationships, mainly in the tags that I enjoy reading and writing about. This has meant that my following is a lot smaller than most others but I deem them to be better quality. I have even met some fantastic like minded individuals that I chat to daily.

I have always believed that content is king, but on here it is only king once you have created those solid connections.

Glad you came to this conclusion, eventually...

It's a long haul, I agree. And making friends is extremely important! It's a community, not a bank.

Agree 100%.

Click bait title ;)

I like how straight up this is. Just keep posting, just keep posting*

So long as it's not crap.

So long as it's not crap.

Yeap. But not only posting, as shouting in the desert. Interact, mingle, know people, try to be useful. I say this all the time, you know: "the magical place where all the money in the world is, is other people pockets". That's from where the money comes, eventually. So being useful is fundamental.

I've been on Discord--it's been great for making real connections.

it is like creating your own blog , it is not easy you have to work hard to make it work

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