How to write on steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

How much should I write per day? This is a question everyone who joins steemit asks, most don't even ask and just write as much as they can and post as much as they can.

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I have been helping out a few new people on steemit get used to the platform and how to use the platform properly. One thing I have noticed is that they understand that followers means more votes, but what they don't get is how to get these followers.

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They start posting more and more per day to make sure people see their blog, but does this really work.
The answer is simple, no. For many people whose vote means something, they look at the blog and label you as a spammer. Some people may follow depending on the quality of your content, but it is still best to not chase people away.

So what is the perfect amount of posts to do per day? For new members I would say post at least once a day and twice (one in the morning and one in the evening) if possible. Once you have gotten a following and know what your followers like, it is time to only post once per day as curators are only going to upvote once per day.

I would strongly suggest posting at least once per day, whether you are new or been here for a while. Posting each day will allow your account to grow and your following to grow as well. If you feel you need to post more or need more followers, commenting is the way to go.

Networking is the key to increasing the value you receive on each post, but this is only worth doing once your content creation is valuable and when people like it. Don't try to vote beg, many people just brush it off and some might even flag you. So just create really good content and try your best to make friends no matter the size of their account.

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Very informative post ,Thank you for sharing @dragonslayer101

yaa .. a perfect post for beginners . thanks

thanks for teaching us master.(vote me for make steemit great again :D)

thanks for the advice bro

Really appreciate the advice!:)

This i guess is actually all i need to start up.
Thank you, it was straight to the point, precise and informative

@dragonslayer101 this is very educative thanks for the heads 👆 😂😁

Good level-headed advice not only for newbees but also for those who have been on the platform for a while but could use a bit of constructive guidance. For me, the most thing to remember about this post is the importance of building an audience and providing it with quality content that it likes. By consistently following this principle, over time the audience will grow and it will reward you with upvotes. Tim Cliff @timcliff, a very prominent Steemian, sums this up very nicely in part of his Steemit success series here.

Thank you good Helpfull tips for everyone who like to earn and post the content on steemit thank you.

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