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RE: I can’t really understand what actually is happening in steemit post rewards calculation?

in #steemit8 years ago

when people post too frequently they are going to lose rewards.. this has happened to me early in the beginning when I was not aware of this... I made a post that went above $1300 but when it paid out I only got around $200 so imagine my surprise lol.. but yeah limit to posting 4 times a day only or u will lose $


really ??? I actually have no knowledge about it. Great info provided my friend @doitvoluntarily.
I'll watch the situation by only posting 2/3 posts per day. thank you & Followed you :) to get further assistance from you.

@doitvoluntairly Does this posting 4 times a day apply to comments as well as full new posts? Tks

I think only blog posts will be counted not comments

Definitely comments are not taken into account.

The comments are definitely not accounted for... Otherwise, I would have stuck to zero :D

Yep, seems like a penalty for too many posts...

only 5 posts within 24 hours I made

Samething happened to this post :
1 minute Before potential payout is $2.17, but, paid only $1.69.
And Yesterday I made only 3 posts.

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