Reputation System is Active?!??! A Great Solution For Bots!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Bot Makers Have Been Saved!

I have been hesitating on creating an automated upvote/downvote bot because of all of the unknowns for a while now. There were the questions of:

  • For upvote "whitelists," how would you know the person will always post quality content? They could use a bait and switch to make it look like you are upvoting something potentially sinister or low-quality.

  • For downvote bots, how do you know that person will not change their style / message in the future? Maybe their shit-posts are only temporary and your future downvotes of their content may be in error.

Additionally I was worried that creating too simple of a bot could have negative effects on the Steemit platform. So much so that I created a honeypot post and reacted to the bot upvoting that occured.

But with reputation...

It is so much easier to create these bots now. Individuals with a high reputation will likely do whatever they can to keep it or grow it so you can make safer assumptions on who to add to your upvote "whitelist." You still will need to be careful with downvote bots, but this is a great step in the right direction.

Coming soon

Now I am excited to jump on the bot bandwagon and will soon release my own. But even with the addition of the reputation system though, I will still be manually checking the bot operations daily to verify it is performing as intended.


Great to see a form of rating number that will be beneficial! :)

It is great but it has some bugs, sometimes it hides all of the comments. like in this post:

It says 1 post hided, but it hided all of the posts for me.

EDIT: I have the same problem with this post here. Is it my browser, or everybody has this problem?
EDIT2: It seems fixed now.

Are you happy with 7 I am but i feel you should have at least 8. Also @dan has 8 maybe he should have 10 since he is a founder.

Haha, I am happy that I am above 5 tbh =)

What is the aim of bits like these, will they just vote on your behalf?

If that is the case, it sounds like content will not be ACCURATELY curated? no bot will be able to really evaluate content. It is more evaluating the rating of the poster. Not sure that that is really the idea in order to curate content for HUMAN consumption.

Maybe I am missing something?

Yah, you missed the last bit of what I said:

even with the addition of the reputation system though, I will still be manually checking the bot operations daily to verify it is performing as intended.

Ah yes, cool. My bad :-)

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 8.5 and reading ease of 70%. This puts the writing level on par with Leo Tolstoy and David Foster Wallace.

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