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RE: The Announcement of SF 22.8888

in #steemit4 years ago

I've had my account since 2018.

I don't produce content because I'm not a content producer.

It takes two to tango so I guess content producers need people to interact with, hence me.

I've come back on Steemit since TRON bought Steemit.

I left steemit back in 2018 because of poor content, upvote bots, whales, downvoting, ninja mine and circle-jerking.

If this changes then I might be more inspired to write some quality content. I'll see what changes are made?

Yes, you are right I have no investment, but I do have a keyboard to voice my opinions.

No, I'm not getting paid, but I am stuck indoors with some spare time.


I appreciate content consumers. Always wished the place had more people dedicated to doing just that. It would help tremendously. Especially if they have skin in the game, since so many seem to struggle to gain traction.

I didn't like those upvote bots either. Drove me crazy, nearly quit. It made it impossible to grow organically for about two years. The bid bots and paid votes droves thousands of people away and only a few made money. That was a wasteful era.

So you're not getting paid, but that still doesn't explain how you can't see the lies up there, and maybe all of the other lies? I'll be honest and say I have not witnessed someone lie or a company lie so openly before, and they're not getting away with it, yet they continue.

I can respect you're loyal to tron. I wrote a great post once welcoming all you people to this formally great land that now exists over on Hive.

I didn't want any of this shit to happen. Nearly four years of working my ass off led to this current disaster. Out of anyone who actually cares, I'm one who got hit the hardest. I mostly stayed quiet about this mess for the entire time. Sat and watched everything. Suspecting this place has gone mad and people behind the scenes making these irrational decisions are mentally ill is being quite generous and respectful. I base that on everything I've seen over the past many weeks. Nobody in their right mind would be this careless. Especially when they're promising 'good things'. If you can't see a problem here, it's not me who's trolling, it's you.

You keep jumping to conclusions to keep your narrative going. Loyal to TRON? Why would I be as I have no skin in the game. I'm just a minnow as some call me who is into cryptocurrencies, that's it.

Why not spend time nurturing the so-called bribe land that exists on H and stop trolling the steemit comments calling people mentally sick.

The H witnesses didn't support you but instead forced you into this situation of trolling and negativity, not TRON.

Hey. I said I can respect you're loyal to tron. If you're not, I can respect that too. In other words, I don't care about what you believe in. None of it bothers me. Worship bananas for all I care.

Why are you mocking me, telling me to leave, and calling me a troll. Was this response you doubling down? I was being friendly with you. Now you're acting... weird.

Who's being negative? I had already made it clear I take mental illness seriously. It's not my fault you don't believe and assume these are insults and trolling. If someone is having problems with their mental health, they should get help. They're displaying signs of mental distress. Acting irrationally and being self-destructive. It's troubling watching someone do so much harm to themselves. And you think this is petty trolling. Calling someone mentally ill isn't an insult. If I said, "You might have corona," is that an insult?

I already thanked you for your misinterpretation. Did you think I wasn't being serious there? Are you finally starting to notice the fact you actually have misinterpreted everything I said? I hope you realize if you can't accept you've made a mistake, you will continue to call me names, and act like a jerk, for no reason, other than the fact your reading comprehension skills need polishing.

Have a nice day. <---- If that sounded sarcastic within your mind, just know it was sincere, and your little voice is trying to trick you again.

Conclusions, assumptions you really should try to stick to the point.

If you are a mental health expert then fine, if not, then you are trolling someone you don't like.

Concentrate on H. I hope you get it now.

Is that a threat?

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