I am lazy, so Facebook still gets my attention for 5 min in a day.

in #steemit8 years ago

Facebook is very useful. But just for uploading my photos on private mode to get that useful link for adding nice photos to my post. Like this one.

I still open Facebook, always log in, but I spend 5 min at most, checking my notifications and messages.

Do you recognize them? These are the photos I used for my last articles. Here I am spamming Facebook with private photos.

Since I found Steemit, 2 weeks ago, Facebook for me became just a collection of photos and memories. I've been spending all the time meant for Facebook, on Steemit. People even started asking me if I was OK or in holiday, in Italy, because I didn't post a thing in a while.

If I wasn't lazy I would have probably started using STEEMIMG which was created especially for this purpose, adding photos. But I am lazy, so Facebook still gets my attention for 5 min in a day.

I used to post something at least once every 2 days. And here I am, posting once a day. And it's much more fun. I can elaborate on my personal interests without being boring and I can upvote and discuss original creations.  

I like being here because steemit it's not just a bunch of shares about what we like and about what music we listen to. People have united to create a collection of genuine articles. 

And it's nice to find out that such amazingly talented people exist and that you can talk with all of them on a platform, while also making some money. 

Doesn't this just sound too magnificent to be real?

2 years ago my mom and boyfriend started bugging me that I should start writing. So I started blogging, bought a domain and designed my website. Had thousands of visits per month but just couldn't find my inspiration to write frequently enough, like I find it here. This was my logo from those times:

The difference is that here we have created a community, where you speak your mind and discuss your post with others. You can talk about everything: art, travel, music, money, business or just some of your happenings of the day. Your posts are getting feedback and you can improve your abilities faster.

And everything about your life starts getting color.  

I will still be here, posting once a day, so don't miss the follow button.


Do you think it is the fact that you can create and share an entire blog post that distinguishes it the most from Facebook? Or is it the monetary incentive? Or is it the feeling that community is working together to create a better system where all the content is stored on a blockchain that supposedly no one party or corporation owns (although apparently that isn’t entirely the case for Steem)?

I think all of them contribute to this transition from other social media platforms to Steemit. :)

Thank you. I agree. I think though we need some improvements on the ability to build sub-communities of like interests, not just one big soup of blocknerdiness.

Also I think there are serious problems with the voting weighting algorithm as currently structured.

Also the economics of the entire thing has some serious challenges ahead. We are discussing this in great detail at another forum (since Steemit is not yet ideal for such forum discussions).

I appreciate very much that there are those from opposite gender to myself who are thinking as you do about this.

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