The Key to Success on Steemit is to Be Yourself

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


The most powerful, successful and influential individuals created and lived their own realities, they only played by their own rules. They are so focused and unshakeable, making them become the greatest individuals that have walked the earth. They even made the rest of the world play by their rules. These men persisted even if the world was against them. This type of attitude is not for everyone, which explains why it will not always be crowded at the top. Only those with a strong vision of reality win.

I'm not them but they inspired me big time. If I let myself be affected by negative influences, I will not be able to achieve my goals in life.

My own little wins here on Steemit can be attributed to the following:

I can't please everyone

This is the truth, in real life and on steemit. I might not be the most successful author in this community and my posts don't make it to the trending page, but I created my own reality and my own success. I never have to beg for followers, upvotes, please the whales, comment on their mediocre posts and make friends with the famous. I never had <$1 payout on a post so far. I just simply write whatever comes to my mind. I don't have self-proclaimed titles, and I'm not even a professional writer. I am just being myself.

I share my real life stories, failures and triumphs during my trip. It just makes me feel good as it releases the untold stories in my system. I write about my own struggles which make me more human in the eyes of the readers. I don't try to portray a glorious life so most people can relate.

It is normal for people to write their input on any subject even if you are not really asking. They can even post their own opinion but they just don't due to - fear (I'm going to talk about this next), so they like to clog my posts with their unsolicited advice instead.

Everyone and their mother has an opinion. Everything I write is the world as I see it, true to me and works for me. If you don't agree and if it hurts you, then it is not my problem. You upvote because you like my post, even if you don't agree. Don't go through all the trouble of commenting and upvoting if your 2 cents is not helpful or not worth my 2 cents.

I have no fear

I like to rant from time to time because if there's something wrong, and there are issues, I will say it. I am just like that in real life. My rant posts even made more money, better than my travel posts. Why? Because I have no fear. This is also one reason why my post gets upvoted, and why people follow me, I stay true to myself. Those who like to brown nose the whales and the platform are pretty obvious, a sign of desperation. It just means they don't trust their abilities to create. This behavior puts me off big time.

They don't want to be portrayed as being cry babies or negative, but it is still not working. So what they do? Again, they clog my post with their cheap opinions because they are so afraid to write it on their own. You see, you don't have to be necessarily artistic or a good writer, just think for yourself. If you don't feel good and you have an opinion, then write about it. You see the things that need to be improved on, then write about it. You see big issues, then write about it. Don't pretend.

I kick you back

If you happen to have worked hard for your own little success, some people will kick you on the way up. When people see that things are starting to go our way, they will create their own excuses and reasons. Oh it must be my bikini photos (FYI beach bums live by the beach), it must be my friends, it must be my artistic writing, I am opinionated and so on. Some people can even accuse others of cheating or rigging the system in their favor. Geez, people. Just because they can't make it, they assume others are doing unethical.

I know that I will accumulate trollers from time to time, but I am always ready to kick them back, ha!

I don't care what you think

Some people's criticism and penny upvotes won't feed me, so why should I care? No matter what you do, people will always have something to say anyway. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Those you try to please will not even care about you, so just write whatever you want and let everything unfold. If you really trust your ability to write, people will just come to upvote you, without that much effort on your side.

And if you don't like what I write, you are always free not to upvote, not to comment and not to follow me anymore. Chau!

I don't compare myself to others

I admit that this is pretty inevitable sometimes, but I overcome it. I stayed away from the negative posts and trending page. I tried to see people as they are. I accepted the reality. Some people are just better than us, just live with that.

People are free to do whatever they want with their money, they are just giving us some little tips for our effort and hard work. If they like to upvote other posts, they are free to do that. Sometimes I make money, sometimes I don't. I should just be grateful there's a legit way to make money online. Life would be easier and less complicated when we stop comparing ourselves to others, we should focus more on ourselves.

I'm just happy because some people contributed to my little success and love me for being me. And these people know that I don't have to please them because it means they would require me to be something that I am not.

So if you want to be successful on steemit and in anything in life, don't be afraid to

be yourself.

Before following me, please check my previous posts. I usually write about my travels or whatever my distorted mind has to offer. If you follow me and you're not really interested with that, then you'll only be disappointed! Unfollow @diabolika 😈.


It is a good advice. I think being myself it will only bring me haters... but People need someone to hate in all social networks right? I don't mind be the target for that in Steemit eehehehhe :P I am used to that ehehhe

Oh yes, that's why I expect my posts will be trolled from time to time. They are even needed for balance. Don't worry, they are not that many as they are afraid to be downvoted lol.

Most people have trouble being themselves because they aren't exactly sure who that is. They live in a world of aping those around them and the people they see on TV. Without social cues to mimic I believe many would freeze up into a mannequin state and no longer be able to process the world around them.

Just be yourself - a daunting task for many.

Just be yourself - a daunting task for many.

It can be quite funny that this is a daunting task for many. When being yourself can actually make you feel free.

No wonder I am disappointed with people, I'll just lower my expectations.

Having zero expectations of others has been rewarding of late. Sometimes the grazing sheep actually surprise me with an intelligent thought or a kind gesture.

I strive to be my best self because sometimes i can be downright gnarly. Well said my dear........

Great post as always :)

Never let someone else bring you down. If you're being criticized by some and praised by others, you're probably doing something right!

P.S. Where were you in the first picture? I love all the snow-capped mountains in the distance!

Wow, thanks for your encouraging words.

That was in Patagonia, Argentina. 😊

Be yourself, no matter what they say.. (whoa oh, imma alien, i'm a legal alien...)

Some people are just better than us, just live with that.

pfffft, i don't accept this! the trending page does not tell me who is better than me!

p.s. I'm thinking of not being myself and stealing your footer layout :p

Hahaha, some html code there.

pffft no worries! (paste it to me in chat ya? :p )

Ok I will.

Muchas gracias!

You go girl !- do what you want. Period.

@diabolika Sharing to have this witnessed far more (and perhaps open up the eyes of some)! Thanks for the properly put up and documented report! Resteemed.

yup yup yup. My badass lady friend keep on rocking! I love how you always speak your mind and you are so free. :)

Haha, thank you as always!

I got a good smile out of this! Strong character and force of will is a wonder and you wear it with style.

Nice view too, btw!

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