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in #steemit6 years ago

Yeah and did you know if you add too many people, you put yourself to risk from being suspended or disabled from FB? It's really messed up... And FB discourages you from meeting new people like I said, even telling you that you can't add this person cause they only recommend you to add someone if you know them. I know the feeling. Steemit is great for meeting new people! :)


Yep! Linkedin is just as bad. Linkedin used to suspend and terminate accounts for following even a handful of people. Their argument was that you shouldn't connect with people you don't already know, lmao! Apparently Linkedin and Facebook don't understand the entire point of social networking is to connect with like minded people who share your interests. Such buffoons they are.

Wow... now that really sucks for LinkedIn... had no idea.

Linkedin terminated my account back in 2013 after I wrote an article openly criticizing their platform. The spat with them first started back in early 2013. Given my social networking community on G+ had grown to over 30,000 members at the time, we had decided to setup a group on Linkedin as well. Given most of our members were IT professionals, Linkedin seemed like a good choice.

1 day after setting up the group we were getting messages from our members that they couldn't join the group. a day later my account was suspended and I was told I would never be allowed to post in groups again. I was never given any explanation as to why. I tried repeatedly to ask for a solid explanation, they refused to provide one.

Then I got pissed off and wrote an article openly bashing Linkedin, and they responded by terminating my account. I responded by having our 30K members promote as many negative reviews as we could possibly find about Linkedin over the course of the following year. I did a great job of bashing them too, as their co-founder Reid Hoffman is so hated on G+ today he has his profile locked from the public.

Theyr'e a worthless social platform full of fake employers and salesman who jump out of the woodwork at every turn begging you to buy their garbage. Thanks, but no thanks Linkedin, their network is crap.

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