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RE: A Simple Question for Those who are Thinking About Quitting Steemit...

in #steemit6 years ago

Quite right, no point in freaking out. Pretty much everything we're doing is suffering, including our brick-and-mortar shop being down double digits compared to this time last year. Locally, we are seeing a rash of business closings. The US stock market has pretty much erased all its 2018 gains. I'm watching interest rates ticking up for 6-8 months... never a good sign.

Seems people in the cryptosphere get a little myopic and forget that cryptos are just a tiny little corner of a much bigger world.


True - and even here in this distant corner of the world - this year 12 shops have closed down at our local shopping center, and all remain vacant, and our trade customers have had such massive drops in business they are ordering less than half what they were six months ago.

But none of this is being reported in the news - most suspicious economic thing I've ever seen! Every time I try to find any figures on anything - they don't seem to exist

Tourism that I was talking about in a recent post is up - but I'm trying to be positive - nothing else is up

We're in a tourist town here, and tourism remains fairly strong... but the demographic is changing; we are moving more from a hotel/shopper crowd to a day trip/adventurer crowd. They come to visit for a single day, ask lots of questions, take lots of pictures but don't really consume anything.

There's definitely some economic "voo-doo" going on at the moment; local "observed" sentiment in no way matches the reported version of what's going on.

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