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RE: Steemit and "The Crab Mentality"

in #steemit7 years ago

"Crab mentality" reminds me of a very simplistic dynamic that often happens in groups and workplaces... someone decides they want to lose weight and get fit, but even though all their co-workers say "Way to Go!" they passive-aggressively push for failure by suddenly bringing lots of donuts, pizza, fattening snack food and "reasons" to go to happy hour rather than go for a run.

Finding the right mix of "merit based" and "seniority based" has to be a tricky balance, I won't deny that. From what I have seen in my seven weeks on Steemit, part of the problem here seems to be that there's no clear mission statement defining what Steemit IS. Sure "it's a social blogging/content platform wrapped around an alt coin, all blackhain based, with expansion space for lots of exciting apps we haven't yet created."

Sure, that's a nice concept; a nice ideology but what does that functionally look like? "Facebook on the blockchain?" Or is it"a repository of high quality information for people moving towards the New Economy?" Or is it "a social content outlet for creative writers, bloggers, artists, musicians and other creative types?" Or maybe it's "a hangout for anarchists and blockchainiacs?" What is considered "valuable," and what is not? Where's the benchmark metric against which we evaluate whether we're going in the right or wrong direction?

Or are we just tossing a handful of grass clipping up in the breeze to see where they might land?

Saying "all of the above" is really not a valid answer... and saying "this is UNIQUE, nothing like this has ever been done before!" is also a platitude/copout.

I'm not a developer or cryptogeek... I'm just a content creator. So I can only speak from my perspective... and what I DO know is that if Steemit is to be some kind of "social content" venue, we (a) need more social features, (b) need to place more value on manual peer curation, (c) need to accept that if we want a QUALITY venue that attracts people, this does have to be somewhat of a meritocracy (cream floats, junk sinks), and (d) we have to be very cautious about how the platform is opened to the greater world. The long term survival rate (not "success" rate) of user-generated content sites with rewards is about 3%, because too many people want "money for nothing," and host sites are too chickenshit (pardon my bluntness!) to install curation algorithms biased towards rewarding quality.

Thanks for an interesting and thoughtful post... check your "tip jar."

Makes me wonder if it's possible to implement not only a "tip jar" function, but to somehow tie people's voluntary contributions into part of the algorithm for the tip jar owner's overall reputation...


The Steem Whitepaper seems to want the crab bucket:

The goal of building a community currency is to get more “crabs in the bucket”. Going to extreme measures to eliminate all abuse is like attempting to put a lid on the bucket to prevent a few crabs from escaping and comes at the expense of making it harder to add new crabs to the bucket. It is sufficient to make the walls slippery and give the other crabs sufficient power to prevent others from escaping.

Also, many people don't see what we see: that there is quality and it's not simply subjective. So they will ignore that criteria ;)

Didn't remember that from the Whitepaper but it all starts to make sense now :)

you've missed the best part, but please as long as you are here we are all happy :) would you like a tip, a pat on the shoulder, maybe a "Thank you nice quality post!!, Upvoted, Resteemed, :D " see @ krnel is here :) we are all happy we are so connected socially, with everything being recorded for our good :) and yeah the superficial qualities rewards breed :) well I know why I'm here and I will be as long as there are people like you :), annoying others whenever possible(bacchist :|) and keeping the not so easy task of not contradicting my own opinions :D
++ and not posting my comments on time either :D

anyways, sarcasm won't fix the problem, that is a normal thing it seems, most people don't care about your character your personality, "YOU" have to deal with everything, nobody will listen to you, they just like to hear you speak their mind, whatever you say gets bent through their own prism and if it doesn't concern them personally, nobody cares. It's strange how people are concerned with personalities, but only with their own, most people care about you as long as you do "work" for them :|

i don't see steemit helping with cognitive biases, nor should it, I searched on the wikipedia and found a loong list, +300 at least, so the idea here is what is defined in the whitepaper, read between the lines, it's nothing new, just another facebook :) ok it's a lot of things but nothing in general, I'm off to reread all the comments :D

my 1.06 SBD were donated to the null account the day before you made this post, I do care about you, but I can only send you around, wow my acc actually has value :D time to do some steeming work :D this shit pays after 3 months :D I'm cashing out when steem becomes a dollar :D again :D

I think actually most people do think posts should be voted on quality, and that this quality is not simply subjective, though because they will all differ on their judgements it clearly is.

Again, you'll have to work this into the system for it to matter to all the people.

Also, nice to see you around again @krnel 😉

Thanks ;)

Thanks for the contribution, you should look into your wallet as well. Giving is receiving! :)

Thank you! :-)

You're very welcome :)

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