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RE: INTRODUCING "My Steemit Library" - ...A ~Better~ Way to Steemit...

in #steemit7 years ago

I really like your idea! I'd been considering the whole notion of building an "archive" of my posts... as I looked into the "how" I got a little frustrated with some of the limitations of Steemit-- most specifically, one I addressed in one of my earliest posts:

If Steemit is on the blockchain, the the blockchain is this amazing tool that enables us to permanently record things in perpetuity... then why is the site not set up to be more oriented towards "evergreen" content? Seems contradictory, somehow... all the emphasis is on "right now," and after that, pretty much "forget it."

You've done an amazing amount of work setting up your library files-- I'm super impressed with that; shame that the editing ability will run out so soon.

I guess it's time to talk to as many witnesses and developers as possible about this particular issue... and explain WHY it's a good thing to extend editing.


Hi, friend!

Thank you so very much for your very positive and comprehensive feedback on this one... :D

I hope you'll poke around my Library and both find some older "good stuff" as well as "get a feel" for how it works. In the future, I will probably go to additional levels, though right now there are only two.

"shame that the editing ability will run out so soon."

Yes, any influence you may have with developers that could lead to the long-promised editability would be very much appreciated. For the moment, I will at least have a "proof of concept" showpiece that captures the current content of my Library. And I am planning another article with extensive WHYs as to all the reasons we need to be able to edit in perpetuity...

Longer term plans include learning how to do blockchain programming myself, and building some tools that will make creating my Library considerably more automated... ;)

Thanks again! You rock! ;)



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