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RE: Steemit - Let's get STEEM and SBD markets listed on Bitfinex! Email Templates - Please Resteem!

in #steemit7 years ago

You seem to have taken offence to my comment. I don't know why. You sound quite grumpy. :)

"Sorry David, I don't agree at all. Users were having problems with Steem transactions on Polnoiex long before the hardfork - there's a history of it."

Yes, but there hasn't been such a problem as there is now, at least not in the last few months - at least, not to my knowledge.

"Also, if this most recent freeze on transactions was a fault of the Steemit team/the hardfork, how come Bittrex wasn't affected?"

Poloniex deals with much higher volumes than Bittrex and will have different software and hardware, There is also the issue of security. The two exchanges are likely to have very different setups. They may even have to comply with different laws/regulations. And, yes, Poloniex is a mess (and I didn't say they weren't at fault), but that doesn't make any difference to the point I was making.

"Lastly, very hard to blame Poloniex's substandard communication -> lack of respect for their user base, on anyone but themselves."

I didn't (and wouldn't) claim anything to the contrary. I myself still have a ticket waiting from before the hardfork, so I, too, understand how frustrating it is.

"Regardless, this post is about helping Steemit grow by getting Steem tokens listed on another exchange ... What has happened/does happen at Poloniex/who is at fault is kind of irrelevant."

Are you saying that I can only comment on what you want me to comment on and that surrounding issues should not be addressed? I find this a very strange attitude, something that I haven't on seen elsewhere on SteemIt.

"If you don't agree with what I've said in my template, please send your own original email :)"

I didn't say anything about your templates.
I'm glad I didn't because if I had said anything negative about them, you would've bitten my head off! :)


Hi David, not at all. I realized it may have sounded a little aggy and that was not my purpose. I am tired after a long day, so rather than rewriting my comment, I included a genuine smiley face at the end in an (admittedly lazy) effort to preempt/offset any hard feelings resulting from my poorly constructed prose :)

Re: freedom of comment, not at all - was more just trying to point out that irrespective of our views on Steemteam/Polo/HF, the goal of getting Steem tokens listed on another exchange is something we can all get behind.

Re: My templates, no I could cop it - I am quite verbose and a more succinct wordsmith could no doubt write a better template. Was just alluding to the fact my templates were critical of Poloniex and this might not fit with what you'd want to say personally! XD


Actually I just realized I changed the smiley at the end for an exclamation mark, I thought the smiley added to the unintended condescending tone and the exclamation mark made it sound more friendly ... Looking back now, it made it look a lot worse - apologies :)

Ok, now you are making fun of me.
If you look at my comment again it uses language such as "grumpy" and "bite my head off" - i.e. not too serious.

Anyway you've helped me change my mind. Apart from the already 'trapped' transactions, I will no longer be using Poloniex for Steem and SBD. It's just not worth the time, effort and agro.
I haven't done any programming for a while, but even I could write a script to read the Poloniex SteemIt wallet to at least put deposits as 'pending' in the Poloniex exchange wallet while its problems are sorted out.
I'll still use it for other stuff, though. Luckily, I'm on Bittrex as well.

Nah I seriously wasn't making fun of you mate, I have ASD - effective communication really isn't my greatest strength :)

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