What's wrong with rewarding yourself? No one knows the sacrifice....It could be all of your savings...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

I made some interesting observation here on Steemit since Hard fork 19 and this morning I can no longer keep my silence. I find it disturbing and frankly disgusting the attitude of folks toward steemians who made the sacrifice. Folks it is my belief that hard work and sacrifice deserve some form of reward. No one knows the person story and what they had to put up with to get to the point where they are today, so please I beg stop looking at what they are earning or rewarding themselves or others. To the minnows who has joined that train, please closely examine yourself and those that you are supporting on their ill-conceived ideology. I find it mind bending that folks go after folks who reward themselves or tip others, its their investment. They are on that level because they made the sacrifice and the investment in the platform. Everyone has a day's quota, its not your business to investigate how that person uses their quota, mind your business. If you think its not morally or whatever mechanism you use to judge yourself, to upvote yourself or as you perceive their friends, then that's your opinion. It's ok to express your opinion but you cross the line when you start attacking someone.

Folks its quite simple, if your vote is worth 3 cents probably you need to make an investment and power up and not complain about the folks who's vote is worth 20 dollars and what they are rewarding, themselves or their friends, whatever you are thinking. I went on steemd.com an look at a particular person who kept complaining, I notice their upvote is as laughable as mines and they are the first to upvote themselves. Here is my opinion and probably something you can consider, I am using the proceeds of HF19 to invest in Steem and Steem Power. I am going to power up at every given opportunity. This way I am making an investment and sacrifice in myself and by extension the reward pool that you think is getting rape. When I invest and power up, the system has a greater amount it can tax from and I am helping drive the demand of Steem up, thus benefiting firstly, myself and the platform as a whole.

So please stop looking at what others are earning or rewarding themselves or friends or whatever you think. Make that investment, start producing some great content and catch their eyes, get their votes. Become a whale and if you are that morally upright, don't upvote your post or comment, let your audience reward you. Who knows, probably you can start a new revolution. Please I beg of folks, let first make the investment and sacrifice and quit looking at what others are earning.

Source==> http://www.azquotes.com/quote/600174


I'm soo glad that I read this post. Thank you for honest expression of your thoughts and I like that we think in same direction!

Thanks man, I am happy that you enjoyed it, I took some fire with it in the discord but as I tell folks, not everyone goes on a loud speaker with their shit, some folks like me grind it out and make huge sacrifice....

You don't need make conflicts, if your research is based on fact, then you can nothing to prove, you can just show them.

thanks and happy that am now following you

nicely said, i had to sell (sacrifice) my house to get steem power! every one else is welcome to do the same if they wish?

That's exactly what people don't get when they go about ranting on folks. People fail to realize the sacrifice folks make. They even gone on their trails trying to enforce their views on the folks that make sacrifice. When you make a sacrifice and an investment, its only prudent that you reap your reward. well I am thankful that someone sees my point. Resteem and get the word out...

Absolutely, if I put a bunch of effort into my photography and then post it here, I will use MY Steem Power to reward myself.

But honestly, I do not like seeing large rewards going to upvote one's own comments unless they are small amounts used to bump your comment to the top to get more exposure. And because I do not like it, I have found the perfect solution. I don't do it.

What you do is your business... People who really complain about it are just envious....

honestly i just think im a realist, thats the way the system is set up, theres nothing wrong with that?, it will just cause the steem price to grow!

hey mike, great point. i definitely agree with you here. regardless of whether you agree or disagree, at the end of the day, the system allows for you to upvote your own posts/comments, so it's definintely intended. even if it's not, i still think it's more than fair.

is it unethical? selfish? it doesn't matter. it's up to the person since it's his account and investment, anyway. like what @daudimitch mentioned in his post, "It's ok to express your opinion but you cross the line when you start attacking someone".

then again, it's free speech on here, so you can do what you want. you just risk getting flagged, is all :p

You sold your house?......so where do you live now?....People Sacrifice should be futuristic not a desperate deeds!

i was selling my home anyway but i decided to put a chunk into steemit, Why? because i can see the value in steemit :)

Wow!.....you got me confused when you said house, i was like is that even possible?where you gonna be staying?....That was my concerned, i tried to use my whole salary once to buy steem but my local currency was bullied by dollars

i rent now :)

Then it is a worthy Sacrifice mate

steemit pays the rent though! lol :)

LOL!....I can see from you votes

They want to have a great rewards but don't want to invest nor risk anything .. hahaha

They risked their home and invested into a "beta" software. Doesn't get much more risky than that...

its a whole lot less risky than going all in on red or black!? :)

Well same thing in bitcoin bro if you sell your house back then and bought bitcoin i'm pretty sure that you'll get your rewards after 7 years

i like to think of it as an educated gamble! :)

If you dont plant any seeds bro, the weed will not grow :)

I am not making a judgement call on the amount of risk you are exposed to. We all have our different levels of risk tolerance. I've invested here as well.

Upvoting yourself just mitigates some of that risk - and I fully understand it.

Our current social zeitgeist reminds me a lot of the old religious practice of trying to buy your way into heaven by hating yourself here on earth. In the old days they would whip themselves or fast or seclude themselves away in monasteries or convents, which is a way of demonstrating hatred for the needs and desires of our bodies and thus supposedly demonstrating greater love for heavenly things.

Not much has changed. Today those who believe in a just and equitable relationship between work and rewards have been shouted down by those who believe that success is due to luck, and therefore those who are successful are essentially stealing from the rest of the group. Thus true "humanitarianism" consists of repudiating the consequences of your hard work and giving it to someone else that it "truly belongs to."

As the saying goes, "From each according to his ability and to each according to his need." Which is a way of saying that the link between work and reward will be voluntarily severed by those who are pious, or holy, or good people.

Know who said that? Carl Marx.

Wonder why we are where we are today?

Marxism was and always will be societal poison.

Not much has changed over the millenia.

The politics of envy.

Good one @snubbermike ...been noticing you through your comments as I surf my feed.

I also like the pithy quote from Budha on your blog page...truth!

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

there is absolutely no difference between rewarding yourself or making 12 accounts and rewarding yourself too as many whale do it to stay under radar of your mentioned attacks or even eliminate discussion. The people who downflag people for rewarding themself are just too plain stupid to check that there are other ways to do the same "undercover"! I moderately upvote my stuff at the end to give the people who upvoted in the beginning "extra"value. If somebody has an different opinion ok, but as you said very well. mind your f**n own biznet. ) 98.2%upvote :))

THanks for your comment, very much appreciate and never feel bad rewarding yourself

Hey daudimitch, thanks for the tip by the way :)

Don't mention it, its my mini celebration for crossing a milestone

i always upvote a comment, because i respect every ones opinion, some times i am wrong and i dont mind admiting that, but this is how most will behave because thats the game! you will probably notice that its only the wales with this point of view!? :)

opposite point of view :P :)

People only see the numbers in front of them and not what went into it to get those numbers. They are all talk and no action!

Thanks for the comment...what would you do

I have voted for myself and I always vote for others as well though I tend to vote for myself with higher vote power. In my case I have invested in Steem when I first started by buying 1000 Steem and wrote some posts spending time doing research. Though I have not posted fairly recently because I was not getting traction, probably a little frustrated, but I want to get back into it.

Alright cool... its good that you reward yourself, you have made the investment... I would certainly look forward to your post, I am now following you, so I would certainly upvote and resteem your content...you can go through some of my post and if you like them I would certainly welcome an upvote and if possible a resteem https://steemit.com/@daudimitch

Please don't let such thoughts bother you. If you upvote or self promote yourself today, you're only building up more SP that translates to more reward shares when you click on the other person's article tomorrow.

If they follow this logic you're done with explaining yourself and everyone has a nice day. If they don't, it's probably in the best of both your interests to stop discussing on this further till they go through the steem whitepaper! 🙄

Thank you for your comments, very much appreciated...

I agree! Your investment in Steem for people who are very active is the best possible thing you can do. Can't wait to start accumulating so I can start to get the most out of my time investment!

Exactly, when you put in the time and money, your rewards and returns must return value.... don't feel bad because you reward yourself

great post. definitely summed up my exact sentiments on the whole self-voting shebang!

Happy that you enjoyed it.... i am now following you

Thank you for going out on a limb and taking a position. I appreciated reading your thoughts, as well the commenters.

No problem man

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