Steemit and Steem is Collaborative Society to Benefit all
So what are some more reason why I love Steemit, well my wife wrote this killer article on Notorious Burger in Sourther California, Please take a look and vote if you like:
people loved it and she loved being valued. I said to her the more people that follow you and you follow them, then everyone gets money and validation of being in the social loop. This is powerful, Unlike Facebook where you just get likes in Steem you actually get the biggest validation in society money. Its not everything but keeps the poster alive and willing to spend time on the system, as opposed to big corporations getting paid.
So think of Steem and Steemit like this big popular club and the more circles you get voting on and interacting with the more you will prosper, as opposed to the old paradigm where you don't hare your edge or information until the last minute and central place pays you.
Also there are a lot of Steemers on here that post cause they love what they do? I love the passion and people willing to love and vote each others articles. The most amazing thing is Steem blockchain has more activity then bitcoin, this is monumental. ok I have to go but will post a steem block chain article on here about how bullet proof the technology concept of Stem is..
Have a great Sunday in California..