Steemit USB Cold Storage Metal

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

In my original concept design for a Steem USB cold storage device I used wood as the main material. After giving it some further thought I also wanted to see how the design would look in metal.


I think metal is also a good option for this design and it's hard to beat this material in terms of strength and durability. I still aim to make this design in wood, but if I am able to get the equipment for casting, I will try to make it in metal as well.


I'm even considering using real silver to make one, but it would have to be 925 silver, so that I doesn't oxidize and need extra maintaining.


I think silver combined with a black colored Steem logo looks pretty nice.


By advice by @steemmatt I also will make sure to design this USB device so that it's water proof when the lid is attached to protect both the paper and the USB chip from any unexpected water.


What is your opinion, do you prefer the design in metal or wood ? I attach a picture below from my previous post of the wooden USB design, so you can more easily compare.



Here is also some picture showing the function of the device where you can store both the USB and The passwords printed on paper. The USB is in actuality quite small and can fit to any computer device.



Here is an overall look of all the components.



Can u please explain how the actual key storage works?

it's mainly focused on storing the master key password. So basically you would print that out on a paper and store it inside, as well as storing it in a word document and put it on the USB drive. Nothing technical at all just a specific place to store your password.

The active and posting key I would still store somewhere where it's accessible on a daily basis. The master password Is not something you need till you need it, but when you do it's good to have it stored both digitally and the old fashioned way on paper in my opinion.

You have been on the platform for a long time, do you have some good advice ?

Wood look really nice.
Good way to promote steem.
Keep us informed.

Hi buddy! if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

I assume this will be one of the first items you are thinking of selling for the Steem online store that you will be setting up? Not quite sure how you would make it water proof if the body is made from metal or wood as I was thinking of a rubber type of seal but then the temperature fluctuations would weaken the material.

I had a look at some of the waterproof usb drives to see how they were designed as well:

Wow thanks a lot for the link and I also think the cap might have to be screwed on in order to really make it waterproof - it's definitely possible - just a price question I think

Maybe if you create a cap mechanism like a pen cap over rubber fittings that would keep it nice and tightly sealed? The USB drives seem to just use the friction of the rubber to keep a nice seal and keep the water out.

I think there are a lot of people keen in the DIY/maker side of things on Steemit. Have you seen @thatsweeneyguy's project to create a physical makerspace on @thesteemhouse and the people who are promoting posts relating to this area on @steemmakers? I think if we can add a shop to connect all three of these ideas together that would be really great! Something for you to think about in Sweden (I assume you are about to leave China?) :)

Hey Papa Dan,

That's just a beautiful design, not sure about the printed paper due to thief, but the concept will be embrace by those who like physical security an off browser/device wallet security. If a lite vessel can be embedded into the drive, so much the better!


Thanks a lot for the input ! Can you please explain what you mean by vessel in the drive ? I'm looking for as much feedback as possible to make the design more complete

Go download vessel....use it and you'll see what I mean. It's the off browser Steem wallet.

On another issue:

Can you please go check out this this 1st time post by Andreas Antonopoulos, this guy is the biggest advocate for bitcoin from 2011 to 2017, and because of his endorsement and technological argument for ETH function in 2016 & early 2017, ETH adoption went from $5 to $500.

Someone like him needs to hear feedback from real people on Steem, somebody like him don't give 2 fcuks about getting rich of crypto, he needs to know if this is something that will change society and blockchain technology, and that Steem is far from just another sensationalized shit coin....and we know it's not

Andreas needs to know Steem is life changing, and if he spend even a little time on Steemit he will. If he someday will invest time to help Steem get better....just 1 great idea from him that gives birth to widely adopted Steem DAP and Steem can rise by $100.

Please see my reply to Andrea to consider getting on Steemit, appreciate any support you can give.

btw @dandesign86, too many old school Steemians replying back to Andreas like the glass is half empty....that's just terrible way to convince Andrea.

He needs to see the positive about Steem, it the way he see things best...into the future....he must see Steem as the gateway crypto for the next 25-50miliion non-cryto users, not investors, but actual users in the next 18-36months...he need to see this badly so he can learn that Steem will change the power struggle and give the power (economy) back to the people, then he will consider Steem and not all the stupid FUD-mongers who's got a bone to pick with a handful of Steem-Whales.

Just checked out the post and hopefully all the good comments including your own - won't go unnoticed ! :)

can you also give a comment on how Steem has changed your life?

I know it's not much being an entrepreneur and all, but hopefully every little story, even a 2 liner counts.

I will definitely Check out vessel - thanks buddy !

oops...sorry, just saw your comment :D

Dan I love it. Really cool idea - is that done all by yourself?

I may have another idea where I could need your help to realize it. Is there any chance to get in contact?

Thanks - glad you liked it ! I made it all by myself . My wife has Steemit chat, I will use hers. The account is @damira .

Cool - will get in contact - will be probably late tonight or if I don't catch you it will be Thursday (my oldest has birthday party tomorrow with 23 children attending - I hoped some of those would decline the invite but a 100% acceptance rate ... - and on Monday I am on a conference).

Haha wow that's a big party ! I just set up my own with the same username as here - and we can continue the conversation there whenever you have time . Enjoy the party 🎉

Hi @famunger ! How are you ? I tried to connect through but it has been working poorly lately so I added you on WhatsApp instead.


The only thing I am not sure you thought about enough is the four little iron sticks connecting the two pieces:

How am I going to plug this USB connector into most PCs with those sticks sticking out so far?

But great concept, 100%!!!

Thanks a lot for your support ! - I made an earlier posts for the functional aspect of this USB, and it's more clear there. The actual USB part is quite small and you can take it out from this box. Please see my previous post and it will show the function more clearly


Oh, now it makes sense, thank you :) I also saw the circular space is for a paper wallet - So it's even more awesome!

Probably you should add the picture + one line about that in the post so people don't get the same wrong feeling that I did!

Greets ;)

Thanks for the advice and It's a good idea :) I noticed some more people where confused about this part as well

Perfect, you are welcome ;) Looking forward to buying mine in the future!

Awesome ! I hope I can this project rolling as soon as possible :) I'm moving back to Sweden in March and my dad has a small work shop where I hope I can start making it - I will keep you updated on the development

I think thats a brilliant design and concept

Perhaps the silver stackers would be interesting in one with top quality silver to make it a collectible thing, I must admit I like that idea and would consider getting one

Haha thanks for your support ! I also think it could be cool as a collectible - good idea

Always glad to support 😎

Always a pleasure 👍

Definitely kool design, but wouldn't the pegs stop USB from fitting into slot all the way?

In my previous post I showed more of the function. Here is an image that illustrates how it works.




That is a very close and nice observation.

Dan - awesome post!! Thanks for the shout on my suggestion. It's hard to tell which is better, but if you're looking to sell these as a product, why not offer both? What about having an RFID chip on it to help you locate it? Or would that be too risky for security if hacked?

I didn't hear about the RFID chip before but that will be something I have to read up on ! I give credit where credit is do - it's definitely a good advice

good job
Can i buy this USB
how will you deliver me
Stay Blesses :) :) :)

I need some time to realize this product - maybe 2-3 months. After I have a working prototype I will update with a new post

do mention me in your post
i will be waitinf for it
can i give you any of my contact

Hi buddy! if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

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