Gone Whale Watching... Steemit Whales of Course...

in #steemit8 years ago

(image source)

Yesterday I have decided to go Whale watching here on Steemit as a part of my ongoing pet project @robotev for a useful bot on Steemit that should help discover good posts from new authors that have not established their name on Steemit yet, but are showing potential. So I have decided to put the code of the bot to a more serious test in following most of the top Whales on Steemit and work with their votes to see how good it will perform compared to the list of volunteer curators that the bot normally follows.

The bot has been operational for more than 12 hours watching whales, so it is time to post some interesting findings and stats on how it has performed so far. It follows most of the top whales with a total of 68 users, though not all probably. Have in mind that not all of them have been active in the last 12 hours that the stats below covers, though more than half of them should have been.

Time for Some Stats

Total number of votes the bot would have made: 171

These are the number of votes that my bot would have made looking for good posts from authors that could use some support in getting encouraged and help them get noticed. This is not yet 100% accurate filtering, but most likely 60-70% of these would've been considered good hits if the bot code was optimal. Of course all the collected data goes to further improving the performance and even for just 12 hours it has helped me get quite useful data that will help.

Total number of votes that the bot would have ignored: 192

These are the number of votes that my filtering would have excluded as being made by popular authors and people with high reputation already on Steemit that don't need extra support in getting where they are already. As you can see this number is higher than the previous one and since my filtering is not yet complete and 100% accurate the actual difference is even higher in favor of popular authors.

Total number of posts that two or more Whales voted for: 92

This is a very interesting number covering only the first category of posts that the bot would have voted for tracking the ones that more than one Whale voted for... usually many of these get between two and about 6 votes from Whales. I'm sure that the filtered posts with popular authors do get much more Whales to vote for than the new discoveries.

Some Observations so Far

In 12 hours some of the Whales did not vote for more than 1-2-3 posts, quite a few did not vote for any new and unpopular authors, but only for established names. As one would expect Whales on Steemit do like to swim together and vote together, some of this is probably automated via bots as well. The number of Whales monitored that have voted for unpopular authors is 27 while the ones that voted for popular and unpopular authors is 36, so 9 Whales voted only for posts from authors with already established reputation.

Some people think that Whales do not vote for posts made from authors with a low reputation, lower like forty for example. That is not true however, they do vote for such, though not that much, but because of their high reputation (mostly) even a single Whale vote can quickly boost the reputation of a new lucky author to over 40 most of the time. Of course Whales do tend to vote more on higher-reputation authors and that probably is also one of the criteria that they do use when checking the list of posts and deciding which to open and actually read. This probably makes it harder for new authors with low reputation even if they have written something really good, unless they do come up with a catchy title or an interesting header image that is attracting attention as a thumbnail as well.

There are some concerns that there are holes in the Whale activity on Steemit, so properly timing the posts you make might help you get noticed then if posting whenever you want. While this may be true, it is also true that if your post does not get a lot of attention in the first 30-60 minutes then it probably won’t matter much when you posted it. Whales do seem to check older posts as well, so they can still spot it and vote for it should they decide it is worth of their vote.

Do note that the above information and cited numbers are based on not yet perfected filtering algorithm, so they reflect the numbers of current not yet optimal filtering capabilities at the moment!

The Conclusion

I still have some more work on the bot code to optimize its performance, but even after 12 hours of monitoring Whale activity it has helped me gather interesting and useful data that should help a lot. I'm going to continue with my Whale Watching activities on Steemit and will also post more interesting findings and stats in the future as I gather more data...

If you have a question or want to add something, then please leave a comment below.

Did you like what you have just read? Check my other posts on steemit @cryptos


I will call you Ahab. What an interesting journey you have ahead of you.

Hahahah, that is a good one... Moby Dick here I come.. . :P

I think this is an excellent project and I really like the updates. I will be following along to see how this evolves and what your finding are. I have always believed that getting new authors noticed, getting more users to find the quality content, and generating discussing is the key to continue growing Steemit. The science behind the human interaction on Steemit and how the progression of what was relevant at different times is fascinating to me. Thanks for the work and the updates.

Learning new things everyday, not only about how Steemit works and getting new ideas on how it might be further improved, but also getting new useful skills along the way... and reviving some old rusted ones as well. Lets see where the journey here on Steemit will lead...

yes.... your right so many things going on and it always brings up new ideas. I have talked with several developers, with different levels of experience, talk about the projects they have worked on. They seem to be excited with the possibilities of Steemit and want to see if it can continue to grow. I sure all of you guys and gals with the skill set to building these projects continue to learn new things everyday. I also believe Steemit will grow faster and keep growing with out all the developers staying motivated and pushing their limits. :)

Hehe, I'm not a developer or a programmer... I know a bit of programming and am learning new things all the time, Python was really new to me, but I'm quickly getting the hang of things. I started learning it because of Steemit as I wanted to try a few things myself and not wait for somebody to maybe do something that I need or want to have available... there are quite a few good developers already on Steemit though and more will probably come.

lol.. thats awesome. I hope more do come, to keep this thing growing and building on top of the blockchain with sidechains and apps. From what I hear there is so many possibilities and not enough people to work on them.

Great insights from your whale watching. Just curious, what time are they most active?
@steempowerwhale 🐳
🌞 upvoting your lifetime dreams!

Can't yet say that, not enough data. There is a service dedicated to just that however that you might find useful - http://www.catchawhale.com/

Cool tool. 12 pm UCT seems to be their time now where they go "hunting".

Here is something interesting from my Whale watching, a new user that just registered on Steemit, going by the username @htyfn is already with a reputation of 50 after a few Whale votes. He only posted a joke, this is his first post and he got almost $200 SBD reward an hour later. This is an example of pure luck on Steemit... as most people have to work hard and make a lot of blog posts in order to reach a reputation level of 50 and have one of their post get such a reward.

The lucky post in question is here: https://steemit.com/humor/@htyfn/mental-patient

Now, some may say this is not luck and that could be true as well...

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