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RE: Possible solution to injustice and self-voting: "flag power"

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I think perhaps you're not seeing the bigger picture...and I will concede that I'm new here and it may be I who is blind to the true reality here. I'd just like to share my observations.

I just saw what could be a called a threat...contemplated on another post in
my feed. I'll say here what I said there...not verbatim...although I could go cut and paste it here...but it's pretty simple stuff really.

This is disconcerting on so many levels...if this "flag wars" becomes "a thing" things will devolve here at Steemit quicker than it took to reach this level of exposure. No one wants to come into a war zone! Imagine this got to a level of the kind of non comments that litter this space already. Upvote me and I'll upvote you...follow me and I'll follow you...resteem mine and I'll resteem yours.

Can you see the escalation that can ensue when heartless hacks start flagging for the sake of flagging because they didn't get what they wanted? Next escalation is taking flags and demanding ransom...and people hearing how someone's making a killing off of this "terrorist marketing". No one wants this...I can't see anyone who is serious about their content wanting to work in such an environment.

I know I just came here from my feed and likely no one in this post knows...or cares to know who I am. I'm nobody...and nobody always started it...and it's always nobody's fault. I don't name drop and rarely post links in comments...but I'm going to in this case because it's a very good point as to what it is that this platform is about...well ideally anyway.

Please forgive me if you think I'm being a buttinsky here...that is not my intent...simply my right to voice my opinion...and that is all I'm going to do. Here is the it if you wish...but remember what you came here show people the best that you have to offer...because where you came from...well it just wasn't working for you.

This isn't the post I mentioned in the beginning of this's a different one from someone who has been here from the start..his/her/fitb insights and the comments withing the page are worth the's a statement from many who know why they came here and what they hope to expect from Steemit as it continues forward.

Thank you to those who agree that I am merely expressing my right to call it as I see one has to agree with me...and I'm not asking anything from any...other than to ask should Steemit evolve out of beta.

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~


Wow huge comment. No problem posting a link dude. As long as it's relevant content.

I will read it now...

@cryptologyx That post is about all the things i hate on this platform: follow for follow, vote sharing groups, paying for whale votes, flag wars and so on.

If i understand it correctly we're on the same page. Is that correct? much as I dislike the word hate...over used and diluted imo

reading the comments you'll get a feel for what is/was invisioned

and of course you'll see some begging...some in jest I believe...the rest with the same tired earnestness.

Thank you for taking the time @calamus056 ...I do appreciate what you're saying in your post...just...slippery slopes are just that...they have a beginning...and usually a disastrous ending.

I'm just thinking about solutions to make it a self-regulating system. Right now it isn't and all these exploitable initiatives like randowhale and whaleshares keep popping up on top of the problems we already discussed. It's so far from optimal and yet everyone is euphoric about SteemIt. I'm only euphoric about it's potential. not about the current implementation of the blockchain protocol.

Understood @calumus056

I think there's many here serious about looking for solutions. Problem person's solution is another's new problem...imo.

I should also disclose that although I don't engage in the tit-for-tat stuff...well we all do to some degree as common courtesy...I have joined a group that shares voting power...just the one but I've yet to use it for my own posts. Not mentioning who they are but they do have a very helpful mission for "minnows" such as myself...could be the hook...or the lipstick...but I'd like to think I could smell a pig from afar...lures are an entirely different thing and I'll continue to study it from within for the time being.

As to upvoting my own posts...well yes I did that a lot the first few days...I did for all that I thought worthy of one. I understand now that one must opt out of the auto upvote before each post. This gives me concern as well...I can't see this being for our benefit if it's so quasi locked in like that.

Again...only a week here and never having been part of the blogging sphere before...I have much to learn before I even begin to address my own content sharing...this is why I spend much time supporting those who I find interest in...and helping where I can. It's the best way I know how to learn.

Oh wow you're only here for a week? I didn't even realize that :)


Yeah, I "followed" you early on...probably the second day. I hope this disclosure doesn't change the "weight" of what I'm trying to say...I'm just do'n my due D' know?

Well, nice to meet you :)

same sentiment...thanks for sharing your time


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