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RE: Some Burning Steemit Questions

in #steemit6 years ago

I think it's possible to have a purely altruistic view on steemit, I myself was very hidden on steemit apart from my posts, but now that i'm getting a bit of money i'm becoming more engaged in the community and talking to people on a daily basis.

I think your post yesterday was right on the money as well, steemit has a lot of greedy fucks and people who want to act like kings, but alot of us are pretty altruistic in our approach because if more people come and stay on the site, everyone makes more money in the long run and it becomes bigger and bigger.

As for your question about freedom on the blockchain, I think it can be achieved, i'm making enough money to support myself and my family now, assuming it doesn't crash really badly i think you can make more than enough of a living with blockchain technologies, specially with steemit if you're here long enough.

Good post as always my dude.

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