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RE: Steemit Community Discussion 1 (2016-11-20)

in #steemit8 years ago

I wish that the cheetah bot would be turned off until it is fixed or at the very least renamed if it is supposedly not supposed to have a negative connotation for both Steemit users and readers. I have examples and links in the comments of


No issue there... it didn't flag you. Just a message of content detection.

We are just using the term flag differently, I mean in the general sense it is flagging posts, not that it is using the Steeming flag a comment or post system. Either way the point is still the same, that "just a message of content detection" comes under the guise of a bot named "cheetah" who gets automatic upvotes from other bots. So the bot should either be renamed or it should be toned down and or have the ability to whitelist users who post content regularly that contains description / copy / or product text. There is no positive view from the stand point of a user who is just reading a post on Steemit and then sees the comment give a heavy impression that the content is stolen. As nice of the wording of the bot is, with the name cheetah and it being an automated thing, users will find issues with the posts. On top of this, I have seen other bots use the 'cheetah' flagged posts as a gauge of whether or not a post would make some kind of list.

The bot is not a bad idea, but is bad in it's current form, along with it not detecting posts which are including sources, it is not giving a good impression of Steemit to users who would see it, I really believe this all should be given a deeper look at the very least.

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