Here's why Steemit IS NOT perfect

in #steemit6 years ago

This is my first month on this platform and for now, I like it. It's not perfect though, although there are people who claim it is.

Although there is many, and I mean MANY reasons on why it isn't I would like to focus on a few them...


New users join this platform every single day. Don't get me wrong, this is great, but not always.
A lot of those new users are coming here without any knowledge about cryptocurrency, Steem or anything related with it. They come here only because they read somewhere that you get paid for posting. What happens next? Well, they start posting. Shitty posts. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying my content is great (I'm still finding my way), but some of this content is absolutely unrelated, plagiarized, uninteresting bullshit. Like, they are not even trying.


I don't have explain myself on this topic too much. You all know what I'm talking about. I'm sure a lot of you have seen these types of comments: "great post, it made me laugh" or "informational stuff, thanks". If you see that type of comments, you can be pretty sure that those haven't read the post and they don't even care what's written. They only care about getting some attention, maybe an upvote or something selfish and idiotic like that. These kind of people are polluting this platform.


The logic says, if someone posts a picture taken off the internet and posts it here, it shouldn't get that much attention. Well, we can all say: "FUCK LOGIC"! So much good content is being unnoticed because someone posted a video of themselves running on the beach for 20 seconds or because they the need to post a picture they saw online and clam it as their own. Nobody would pay attention to those shitty posts if they haven't earned some good money from it. But people who actually try to make original, interesting content, they get jack shit. If we want to keep growing as a community, we have to stop rewarding low quality content. Earn it ffs.


I love Steemit. It has an amazing concept, so please don't ruin it for me. Let's make sure every single person gives a second of their time to help this platform keep growing. It's up to us, the Steemit community to build something we want.

Have a great day!


I completely agree. Earlier this week, I’ve posted an article with the same thing in mind. Everyone is going on about the importance of ‘high-quality content’, still those crappy posts make loads more than my articles do. I’m not saying they’re that great, but at least I’m trying... And the problem is that everybody keeps upvoting them, because they can make money out of it. If nobody would upvote, they would disappear in time.

I’m playing with the idea of setting up some kind of ‘awareness’ campaign - I don’t know whether it would work or not, but at least I would have tried. I’m not sure yet on what would be the best way to start this, so I’m still in the brainstorming phase. One thing I already did was add a banner at the bottom of my posts. Maybe it’ll make no difference at all, but if You don’t try, you’ve already lost

Well said. I struggle with the same realization myself. But that is how it goes here in Steemit. Just have to learn to live with it or die with it.

Your post is very focused on me as a beginner. I will learn to rise from my ignorance

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