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RE: Overcome by Steemit Excitement: The Second Advent of ~Perpetual Editability~

in #steemit6 years ago

Ah, John...

That may well be true of the Bard forsooth. I do not imagine myself to be in a class with his genius.

I make typographical errors.
I make errors of fact.
I am inherently error prone.

That is but one category of reason that demands I have access to the eraser, to the scribal blade allowing me to correct my work.

I also write my songs and tell my stories with joyful trepidation. Though they may often be poorly drafted, without the ability to review them in the light of day and make appropriate adjustment, they would be even poorer still.

And so, today I celebrate the promise of this change for these, and other reasons still, not the least of which is my Library project. I can now rationally maintain a library of my work without having to take extreme measures.

If one truly cares to see and remark upon my early drafts, a blockchain archaeologist can unearth those paltry beginnings for him. However, I don't expect it to be worth the effort.

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