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RE: My Periodic "What Shall I Write Next?" Post...🖋

in #steemit8 years ago

That's so funny John, that you would perceive me as "organized." Hahahahahaha!!! I guess perception is everything?

I am one of the most chaotic people you're ever likely to meet, and have an extremely chaotic mind. In fact, thank you, you've just reminded me of how I have many times described my mode of thinking to others - and I'm going to add it to my list and turn it into a new post one of these days! :) :) :)

My "apparent organization" is nothing more than a learned response to my own inner chaos... i.e., self-defense to enable me to function at all. I remember you once told me that you mistrust "disciplined writers." You need have no fear here!

The entire purpose of this page is to capture at least the germ of an idea when it flits through my sponge brain and "get it into amber" because if I fail to do that, it is all too often lost forever...

"a drop of reason in an ocean of emotion"

I like that! Nice simile... I write best from my heart also, and my list here helps me know where to start - along with suggestions from my friends! For example, I've started on a post about Enya because @bleujay requested that in the comments here... Inspiration, for me, also includes the motivation that friends provide! :) ;) Thank you for being a friend! 😄😇😄



okay, you remind me then of another friend and if I close my eyes I'd see his face and hear him speaking your words...but, did i mention, he has ADHD? LOL!!

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