My Periodic "What Shall I Write Next?" Post...🖋steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Once again, I'm busily musing over what to write and publish next on Steemit...

More than a month ago, I wrote Where Do I Go From Here? What Shall I Write Next? as an exercise in thinking about upcoming articles, and as an experiment to see whether Steemit itself could serve as a "notepad" to help guide me into the future.

I think it was a reasonably successful experiment; do you agree?

So I'm planning to touch base monthly with you, my followers, and you readers just now discovering me, so you can (with your comments), help me pick what's next.

But first, I'll let you in on a little secret:

No Way but Up

No Way To Go But Up - Photo courtesy of Jungwoo Hong and

What I really crave is readers...

Sure, it's nice to make a few $$$Steem for my writing, but what I really want is to write things that you, my reader and follower, want to read, enjoy reading and can benefit from! And so, will you please help me by influencing what I write next?

If you're new to my blog and just "happening" on me, I invite you to browse and sample what I've already published. You could do that "in the conventional way" by clicking here to visit my blog profile, but I have something much better for you!

One of the "Clever Steemit Hacks" I've developed is a Table of Contents, designed to make it easy for you to navigate your way through my vast array of compelling material. 😇

Here's a historical peek...

at the development of my Table Of Contents:

Tip: You can always find my latest Table of Contents linked at the top of my blog.

You're reading another of my "Steemit Hacks" right now... This post contains a list of potential articles that I will update as I remember other things I want to share with you. I've learned that Steemit does work as a "live notepad," as long as you understand that after a month, your article is no longer editable.

And so, there are two posts that I will periodically (approximately monthly) replace with updated versions; this "Where To Next?" compendium, and my Periodic Table of Contents.

Tip: If you're unsure about whether you have "the right stuff" to become one of my followers, you may want to take this test:

    Do You Have the Chops To Be A Relevant Part of My Steemit Audience?

As I've confessed before, I'm not one of those "disciplined writers..."

I can't just churn out thousands of words on demand. I require some inspiration, and I write best when I am (even temporarily) excited about something new or fascinating.

One Way Both

Photo courtesy of Hans M and

And so, What Next for Steemit?

Steemit — and you, my reader — seem to constantly be in my thoughts. What shall I write about next?

And Jesus said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings out of his treasure things new and old.” - Matthew 13:52

Ideas for articles, both new and old, keep bubbling to the surface. What would you like me to focus on next?

So much to write, so little time...


  • How I discovered Enya, and my favorite song of hers
  • Favorite Steemians Honor Roll
  • More Steemit Anonymous meetings...
  • Why are communion cups shaped like bells?
  • Software invisibility and levitation
  • Others not listed...! ;)


  • How we ended up in California
  • Another "How To Fix Anything" article
  • Thoughts about getting older...
  • Photos of an unusual jewelry box I made
  • The recently expanded universe (1 to 2 trillion galaxies!)
  • Will there be lovemaking in heaven? Children? Something to hold your attention for ** eternity **?
  • How to take a project from conception to engineered completion to mass production
  • Poems about future loves
  • Inventions yet to be prototyped
  • The Riddle of Solomon's Sea of Brass and the Number Pi
  • Interpretive keys to the book of Revelation
  • Is liberty even possible when death is inevitable?
  • Having a conversation with my former self...
  • Accessible seating...
  • Visiting Julian and Anne
  • Telling and attending stories in search of answers...
  • The sad story of my home-made wood stove
  • Family relationships help us understand how much Jesus loves us
  • Hitchhiking in NYC
  • Diagnosis: STEEMIT Brain!
  • Hello. My name is Social Media. You killed my Facebook. Prepare to die!
  • I met Jim Lovell
  • Flying dreams
  • Cartoon animal dream
  • Bucky Fuller geometry...
  • What is money? Source of wealth?
  • How to interview for, and get, that job you want
  • Easy-clean, walk-in showers
  • Chaos-brain vs Library-brain
  • The integrative effects of singing
  • Jesus loves you -- but I'm His favorite!
  • Chestnuts are the bomb!
  • Sylmar quake...
  • Evangelism's (Well Deserved) Bad Reputation...
  • Continuity of identity in the resurrection...
  • The practicality of sabbaticals
  • Human physical capacity exceeds what we know...
  • "These are not the droids you're looking for..."
  • Genesis creation as a model for engineering...
  • The heartbreak of being unfollowed!
  • Meaning of "antichrist."
  • NYM crypto
  • LTD - Lunar Transport Device
  • Does the Bible Condemn U.S. Government?
  • A series of "inconvenient truths"
  • 3D Red/Blue Anaglyph Sketching
  • My theory of less time
  • Impossibility of writing it all
  • What's in a name? True names...
  • Butterfield Lunar Lander
  • Bob Beck
  • ???
  • Simple beach shower
  • Using my childhood apophenia when scribbling...

To Be Continued... Meanwhile, let's go surfing!

Surfing Sunset

Photo courtesy of Jeremy Bishop and

Thanks for reading, voting up, and following me. I write this stuff for you, and without you to read and appreciate it, I wouldn't be here at all.

I have very eclectic interests and want to write about all of them. Did you enjoy this post?


Follow me, I'm creatr


Well, can't wait to read whatever you choose to pick outta that box'o'ideas next! ;p

Thank you, friend, for your frequent encouragement! ;) 😄😇😄


Thank you for posting @creatr. would be lovely to hear what you have to write regarding Enya.

What about the history of the song...How can I keep from Singing.

What about the stories of the worlds most famous composers...Handel...Bach...Hayden...and others who had a relationship with the Lord which is hidden from view. Just a worries if it is not your bailiwick.

Happy Holidays to you and your family. Cheers.

Hi, @bleujay, Thank You! - I always appreciate your encouragement, your comments, and your gentle suggestions.

May you and your loved ones also enjoy a restful year-end and the beginning of a new year!


you're so organized, @creatr.
Believe it or not, I have no idea what I'm going to write next - everything with me is subconscious and instinct.
You are more of a deliberate thinker. If I think at all, and it's just not a buzz up there like a bee in a jar, then I think-feel.
My mentor once told me I was a drop of reason in an ocean of emotion, and I guess that comes closest to explaining me ha ha

That's so funny John, that you would perceive me as "organized." Hahahahahaha!!! I guess perception is everything?

I am one of the most chaotic people you're ever likely to meet, and have an extremely chaotic mind. In fact, thank you, you've just reminded me of how I have many times described my mode of thinking to others - and I'm going to add it to my list and turn it into a new post one of these days! :) :) :)

My "apparent organization" is nothing more than a learned response to my own inner chaos... i.e., self-defense to enable me to function at all. I remember you once told me that you mistrust "disciplined writers." You need have no fear here!

The entire purpose of this page is to capture at least the germ of an idea when it flits through my sponge brain and "get it into amber" because if I fail to do that, it is all too often lost forever...

"a drop of reason in an ocean of emotion"

I like that! Nice simile... I write best from my heart also, and my list here helps me know where to start - along with suggestions from my friends! For example, I've started on a post about Enya because @bleujay requested that in the comments here... Inspiration, for me, also includes the motivation that friends provide! :) ;) Thank you for being a friend! 😄😇😄


okay, you remind me then of another friend and if I close my eyes I'd see his face and hear him speaking your words...but, did i mention, he has ADHD? LOL!!

How about

More Steemit Anonymous meetings...

??? 😋

Yaaaaayyy! Great idea...!

Thanks a lot for participating! Your comment has me thinking... ;) 😄😇😄


🙂 🙃 🙂 🙃 🙂 🙃 🙂 🙃

Well, I just realized (yes, sometimes I am that slow!) that you may have been asking when the first Steemit Anonymous meeting occurred... And, even if you weren't, others reading this may be wondering. And so, here's a direct link FYI:

True Confessions of a ☁️Steem Junkie☁️,


Well both I guess 😅 Thanks!

I like all the choices......:)

Thank you, my dear girl... 😄😇😄


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