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RE: Talking to Skeptics: Maybe the Tooth Fairy Accepts Bitcoin!

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for your very delightful article.

What I have come to understand is that the value of any currency, whether it has a physical representation or not, lies in the people who use it.

In discussing Steemit with an old friend, he has encourage me to "cash out" at least some of it just to verify that it is real. I personally have no doubt about its reality or that I could do that if I need to. However, I may go ahead and to that with a token amount simply as a means to persuade my friend. ;)



I did this very thing. When discussing Steemit, people always said have you taken out real money? So I did just that. I wanted to prove to them and myself that it was real. It is and its not hard. I suggest setting up accounts several days in advance. I did SBD to Bittrex and sold for Bitcoin, then sent to Coinbase and sold for USD direct deposited into bank.

Yeah, I'll probably write that article, too... the more that information is published to help make it common knowledge, the better off we all are. In already have all the accounts and verifications, so I'll just plot steps from beginning to end.

Sometimes a "demonstration of the product at hand" is called for. I am seriously considering a post that very plainly documents the "journey" of 10 SBD from upvotes to payout, to sending it to Bittrex to exchanging it to BTC, transferring the BTC to Coinbase, exchanging BTC to USD, sending the USD to my PayPal and then using my PayPal debit card to buy a Pizza.

Which pretty much SHOULD dispel any notions that this is "Monopoly Money," but more likely will cause people to exclaim... "Oh, that's FAR to complicated!"

Hence... my previous article about people looking for the "easy button." :-D

That sounds like a great article! I remember a few years ago when Alma Sommer crossed the country spending nothing but Bitcoin...

Nothing like teaching by example! :D

"Teaching Examples" are great.

Steem/Steemit are revolutionary in the sense that we have this community attached. I know some people don't like so-called "app coins" but I think it would be a great addition to the Steemit environment to have our own marketplace... and maybe one of these days you can cross the country spending nothing but STEEM!

I did the same but did Coinbase to bank account. However, that takes a few days the first time to get the ACH set up.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 64970.70
ETH 3238.82
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64