Weekend Celebrations: A 1 000 Posts - A 1 000 Followers

in #steemit7 years ago

A BIG Thank You, to all my steemit supporters over the past 11 months and the creators of this wonderful platform. I am over the moon with excitement this weekend as I finally achieved the 4 digit bracket in both posts and followers. I would have never been able to do this without the many friends (and enemies) I have made here on steemit. Thank you for your appreciation of my work, support and words of encouragement along the way, I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

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My Journey on steemit:

My journey started off on quite a bumpy ride but it was slow and steady. When I was introduced to steemit I thought, "wonderful platform for me to educate myself", I never even considered to write as I am Afrikaans speaking, I suck at languages and creative writing was never my forte.

For a month I was enjoying reading other authors articles and feeling even more inadequate to write while witnessing with what ease their words flowed and their eloquent use of language. After being told I need to look at it as my own Facebook wall, I decided why not, let me give it a shot, even though I was never a great Facebook socialite.

My introduction was the ice-breaker, followed up by a topic a friend and I discussed a few weeks before my second article and I decided to do some research on it. It was a disaster, well so I thought, my decision to ignore the failure and focus on, "Practice makes perfect", steemrolling ahead totally out of place but happy helped me to be where I am today.

I decided my goal would be to stay true to myself at all times and share those things which I am passionate about and other topics of interest. Not always having the time, I set myself another goal to post at least 3 times a week. There were times that the steemit politics become too hectic for my liking so I would take a break (at first I thought to pull the plug completely but I quickly realized that once tasted, you are hooked for life) and come back refreshed with new vigor.

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Benefits of steemit:

Yes, the financial benefit has been a great blessing in my life, but the ability to improve on my writing skills, learn more from others all over the world and making wonderful life long friends, by far out-ways the financial aspect.

This is what we all need to keep in mind on steemit: Lets help and uplift each other to make a success as a steemit community.

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My wish for all is: Keep moving forward and Enjoy every moment of the journey!!

I Like To Move It (Original Video) Madagascar HD

Keep loving, smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!


Congratulations @crazymumzysa ! Now that you're celebrating, how about you show how much your vote is worth on this comment ... * cough * 100% vote * cough*


Not much unfortunately because I had to power down my steem but am planning as soon as my finances are sorted out to buy in again so I can give bigger votes.

I wish you the best of luck with getting right back on your feet :) I'm also trying to power up as much as I can just so i can at least vote on people's content and help them out, a tiny bit at a time

Are you remember this moment ? :)

first meme.jpg

Crazymumzysa, congratulations on a job well done! You deserve all this joy and happiness after the long journey on Steemit and its ups and downs. You survived through the hard times and embraced the moments of joy and success that have come your way. A true character of an individual is the perseverance one is able to master. You did it and I totally congratulate you. May you be blessed with more happiness, love and success. Your friend, Cabbagepatch. :D

Thank you very much cabbagepatch. It is people like you that pulled me through not only steemit but some bad days in life too with your loving and encouraging words. It is the way you touch people that truly counts and you are such a wonderful example to me.

Thank-you so much for your special reply to my comment. There are certain people that I follow in Steemit who I feel are special. You are one of them who I feel in my heart I want to support and encourage. You really are a great mother who loves and supports her wonderful children. Keep finding the happiness you and your family deserve!!!

I'm glad that you were able to stick with it through all of the tough times. You're right the politics here for a while we're pretty rough. I think you're wririnf is great as well even if you may think it wasn't or isn't. 1000 followers and 1000 post is super awesome may the next 1000s come faster.

Thank you very much for your wish dzboston33. All new platforms haves their teething phases, we just need to endure. You will reach it soon too. Good luck and keep posting.

How encouraging this is! I used to like writing when I was young, but never really saw myself as a writer. There have been times I wrote lengthy, thought out facebook posts just to express my feelings on life, politics, or to share new recipes I created or things I discovered. I had often been told I should write a book or start a blog, but did not think I was good enough for that. I did eventually start a youtube channel, which I thought was easier at first, but since coming here, I have found my love for writing again and am loving this platform more each day. I feel it gives me a place I can express myself in many different ways. I love sharing what I have learned and actually being able to earn something at the same time is just amazing. LOVE it here and hope to continue to grow.

I am truly happy that steemit enabled you to get those creative juices flowing again. I know you will be able to make a great success here on steemit because your heart is in the right place. Soon this will be your post and I cannot wait for it!

Thank you for that! :D

congratulations @crazymumzysa, so far i haven't seen a 1000 follower celebration or a 100 follower celebration done like you did :-)
i will keep your wish: Keep moving forward and Enjoy every moment of the journey!! in my heart.

Thank you chrisx. I know you will do very well and soon you will be celebrating the same achievement. Keep being such a great person to your family and the ones here on the steemit platform and good luck.

Well done! If you ever in Cape Town we should def celebrate the many of your achievements on Steemit.

Thank you very much Melkay. I saw your msg on chat will get back to you. I had to write a math exam last night, so my face was in the books for most of the day studying.

Ok thank you. I will send you my new phone/whatsapp number on the chat. I lost your deets on my previous phone.

Hope the exam went well but I am sure you smashed it! :D

Thats a wonderful story ... congratulations

Felicitaciones!!!!! Yo tambien quiero llegar!!! Salidos


Thank you wanoiwski, I appreciate this.

Good one. Steemit group is just awesome. I can't love it better.

You sound like an addict to steemit already ebohio2008, which is a good thing, you will make lots of friends and learn tons of interesting stuff here. Enjoy!

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