If you are doing follow for follow... Get off the platform!!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Every week I revise the people that I follow, I might add people I might un add them the reason being is I do this full time. I want to be able to provide, quality content, curate as often as I can and most importantly network with people.

I revise who I follow to make sure that I am giving enough attention to the people I am closely working with, if I am not working with you I found its usually because of the following.

I am not seeing enough interaction from you.

I post every day on Steemit, being full time on the platform I cannot in anyway not post every day, thats not a good way to build up a freelance career, and work hard towards my future.

When I come to work I work.

So today when I went through my list of people, I noticed one person unfollowed me instantly.... clearly they have the infamous Ginabot gotta love Gina.
Of course it is that persons right to follow or unfollow any one as much as me, but I highly think that they saw I unfollowed them and chose to take the same path.

Don't do that...... you're not doing yourself any favours.

If you are going to regularly revise your list then of course, by all means but don't do the follow unfollow thing. This week 5 people unfollowed me, probably because I didn't interact with them, but its hard to try to interact with everyone. Just this week... this very week my posts have managed to gather a little more sbd than before and why??

Because I am being consistent.

I spend hours on the laptop reading and absorbing other peoples content, deciding whether its applicable to me, or its good for the platform. I equally spend hours in discord in chat rooms getting to know people, learning new things.
Not surprisingly the people that unfollowed me I went on the profiles and I am seeing not enough interaction and not enough content. Now I get that I truly do, some people spend three day to three weeks on one post, I cannot be one to judge. But you need to still be consistent, you need to keep engaging with other people on the platforms.
I unfollowed because I saw no recent posts no interaction, I was not networking with them, so I have to make room for those that want to interact with me.

I want to make a promise to you.

To all my followers, the people supporting and engaging with me, I promise to duly support an engage with you.
To the people I find on steemit that I have not yet met, I promise to interact with you and if you respond and we can build a good friendship the same promise goes to you too.

But to the people following me, who are not interacting with me. Remember you chose to follow me and my work, or you interacted with me and you stopped interacting. You chose to support me, but if you are not communicating with me I don't know what I can do so that we can help each other.

Which is why when I unfollow people and I see them unfollow me immediately just tells me you are not in this for the same reasons I am.
Follow for follow is pointless and tiresome, its about time we all got off this follow for follow carousel and actually did some work to better the platform.

I am very particular with whom I follow.

As the famous saying goes by John Templeton.


I want to leave this food for thought for today.

The STEEM Engine



It drives me crazy when new people on the platform spam me with "follow for follow" or "upvote for upvote" I immediately explain to them this isn't that type of platform and it will hurt them more than help them. I think most people pick that crap up from instagram. I don't use that platform but my fiance complains about it all the time. People need to understand it is not about quantity on steemit, its about quality, and that applies for not only followers but also posts and comments.
At the same time I'm not to quick to delete people either, I understand that not everyone is full time or even part time but they still have good content and reply when they are on. That is why I go through my followers list once every month or two, and I am rather picky about who I add in the first place ;)
Good article, I hope a lot of new people read this.

Missed this response sorry my bad, do you have Gina @moderndayhippie. The last few days getting three followers a day all new following thousands getting followed by 20 something people, few days later they unfollow... I means what's the point if people do this day in day out surely time is better spent making good content??

I barely follow people, I like having a clean feed. Most of the things I read anyways are either through discord links or clicking on users at that time. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to go and interact with every post I am interested or follow. Again, if I receive follows, I promise to respond to any comments and I will look at what others are posting, but obviously, I cannot keep up to date with all (I'm a full-time student in my final year) - but I am unable to reciprocate by genuine following. Am I rambling?

One of the reasons I may unfollow people is that they resteem too many posts. If I follow someone, I want to see their posts, not tonnes of posts that might not be related to my interests.

wow again thats interesting I may have to follow this post up with the comments I am getting. I resteem sometimes more than I post but I only resteem what I think is valuable to others. So as an example I will never resteem meme's I like them I find them funny I might use them rarely but me personally they hold no value at all. If I posted a meme up it would have a full write up with it always. And no your not rambling I prefer meaty comments to lame one liners. Thanks

Yeah, resteeming quality posts, even if they're not my interest, is fine. Yet, I see others resteeming multiple posts, maybe to seem liked and that they support others. While that is all great, it also clutters your profile and your feed, so I hope everyone knows to resteem carefully ;)

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I'm down to clown with that, so to speak, I don't follow everyone that follows me either, and I get a lot of notifications telling me someone followed, then unfollowed, followed again, unfollowed again, repeat this roughly 20 times in a row. People who's content I can't consume to begin with because it's video (I'm deaf so I don't consume that content due to lack of accessibility).

I'm here to read, I'm here to write, I'm here to provide tools that the community may find useful. That's about it. I don't do follow 4 follow, it's not worth my time and it would be wise for people to stop wasting their time and mine, and would greatly appreciate it if they'd stop doing the follow unfollow routine to try getting my attention to their content that I can't consume to begin with. And it's ALWAYS people that post tons of videos that they themselves don't own too.

Seriously, if I wanted to watch a ton of clips from National Geographic, I'd go to YouTube and search for it. (dtube doesn't have closed captioning x.x)

If you don't follow me back, that's fine, I'm following people because they write things that I enjoy reading or are a part of a community that I'm personally part of and thus have some sort of stake in that regard.

I totally hear where you are coming from, you hit also a very important point which I never thought of. When I first came on the platform I was going to be one of those people too, who was going to post videos and make it all about me, until I got some revelations. Then I thought about it and thought it should not be about me, it should be about what I can contribute to the platform to help others. Personally I am sure you agree @outoftheshellvlog it would not bother me in the slightest if I lost most of the following I got and ended up with 5 people, because I would probably have more interaction with that small % than with a mass of time wasters. Also like you if I follow someone and they don't follow me back thats fine, I am following for a reason usually its to better myself on the platform.

Yeah I actually fully know where you're coming from. I'm on a certain discord server you're in xD and coincidentally also curated in the same curation post you were where you detailed your issues with a certain video platform. I still upload to dtube though because YT gives me hassles. I don't speak in a lot of my videos but instead I sign with Signed Exact English and for some retarded reason I still get copyright claims on the video .... that has nothing but regular background noise. Not TV, no radio, just like the A/C or heater running and maybe hearing me breath talk while signing.

Super tired of filing counter claims against content that shouldn't have a copyright claim on them.

Your reasoning is valid though and I see where your coming from. :)

I'm CryptoDeaf.

Ginabot is good for telling us stuff lol, I do wish I could turn the unfollow off but leave the follow on, I'm not interested in knowing when they unfollow me. Its their prerogative, everyone has limited time, we cant read everything.

Oh I understand that completely but thats not what this is about this is about educating those that do follow for follow it doesnt work and why, your's is a great example.

I agree with you. I do not usually unfollow people but if am not interested, I simply stop interacting. Now that you reminded, I will go through my list and unfollow spammers

Good thinking @sayee glad it helped you to do that.

Very valid point to make clear. It's all about adding value and not expecting it back from my point of view, then if you do get it, you have bagged yourself a little bonus.

It's good to surround yourself with the people who you engage with so that you keep your momentum up and you solidify some form of support network.

Nice post pal and I'd just like to say, even if you do unfollow me, I'll still be sticking around for your content if it's like this!

The follow me / follow you practice never made one speck of sense to me either. If a person isn't reading your content, he's not doing you a bit of good. The "follow me" whores who just collect statistics are dealing in the most futile kind of vanity imaginable.

And there is a real limit on how many writers / artists you can productively follow at all. Let's face it, if you're "following" 20,000 people (like is so obsessively practiced on Twitter!! -- I gave up totally on that place!!) you're not really following anyone at all. Your virtual chances of seeing a particular post, even one from an outstanding creator are near-zero. So, WTF is the point?

Here, you want people who like what you do, who are interested in your work, who will help support you so you can continue and who make you feel valued and "seen." You do not need a bunch of dead fish cluttering up your bloated follower statistics. If you have 500+ "followers" and manage about 2 UVs on every post, they're not doing you much good at all ... are they?!?


You know the best bit about your reply was this.

Here, you want people who like what you do, who are interested in your work, who will help support you so you can continue and who make you feel valued and "seen." You do not need a bunch of dead fish cluttering up your bloated follower statistics. If you have 500+ "followers" and manage about 2 UVs on every post, they're not doing you much good at all ... are they?!?

I think I might have said this before I would rather have ten followers that I engage with all the time than 790 of my current ones. Its sad to say that the lovely Gina every day notifies me that I have new followers, I am being pessimestic (check out me big words) but I feel and know that in a few days they will unfollow me, they don't even ask now. I see a pattern forming.

I totally agree with you, I have found so many people that only want to increase their number of followers and doesn't really care about the content on their blogs.

Everyone should be aware that Steemit it's a social network and to success here we need to make connections. Great post!

How did I miss your lovely comment I am terrible, yes I agree why are people so obsessed with followers, followers is nothing I get at least three upvotes a day with no value so it means nothing really??

Yes, I agree. I have 1000something "followers" but I really don't know how many of them upvote my stuff because they saw it while following me. Some of my upvoters are automatic and I post in a bunch of discord groups. Drop my post and run mostly except #thesteemengine. Lol. ;)

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