You will be penalized heavily for commenting too much in steem blockchain hardfork, scheduled for 7/26

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

UPDATED : actually, it's not about comments .. it's about blog posts .. see here

This hardfork introduces a number of changes that effect how root comment payouts work.

Issue #176 ---- Source: github:

Each root level comment has a reward weight which impacts the end payout of the post. We are targeting 4 posts in 24 hours. Your first 4 posts in 24 hours will not be penalized. After that, they weight is decreased from 100% based on your average posting frequency. Having a frequency just barely higher than 1 every 6 hours will have very little impact, while spamming will be penalized heavily. This change is aimed to increase the quality of content at the cost of quantity.

@alexgr -- IF I understand the above correctly, then your comment is a "root-level" comment because it's the first in the tree of comments (I'm replying to you - so I'm second level). Now, serial root-level comments are, from what I'm seeing, mainly spambots because they enter every post and comment. Bots might migrate to second-level or below. We'll see how it'll go. Again that's IF I understand this correctly.

This hardfork is scheduled for 2016-07-26T15:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EDT).


I hope there is a warning that goes up if you are about to violate the limit

it affects the payout if you earn rewards commenting, and I don't think there will be a warning

my opinion this limit is very controversial. too hard limit. restriction of freedom of communication.

This does NOT apply to comments. Only to your blog posts.

applies to root comments only, Source: github:

This page explains it further:

should create proper incentives to not spam post while not negatively impacting anyone that posts with normal behavior

My interpretation, is that you can participate in "nested" discussions without a problem.

But if you're starting new "root level" comment threads, you can do a burst of 4 all at once, or 1 every 6 hours, before it starts to eat into your profitability. The user interface is going to mention something so it won't be a surprise.

Each discussion goes through a two stage payout. The first one is nearly identical to what currently happens on a new discussion except that we are weighting payout times by 12 hours instead of 24. This should cycle through currently trending content quicker. There is a second voting period set to 30 days after the first payout. This should help posts that don't have immediate viral success accumulate votes and have more consistent payouts in the long run.

This addresses an issue I brought up a while back about how posts of high quality which don't get noticed right away are not being rewarded according to long term value. I mentioned back then that it could create an incentive to create low quality but eye catchy posts because the attention span is only set to 24/hrs. This new 30 day tweak is interesting and I suppose it's worth a try to see what happens. At the same time the weighted payout time is 12 hours instead of 24 hours? Why change that?

After the second payout a discussion becomes "frozen". The discussion is no longer editable and new replies are disabled. Users can still vote on comments in these discussions as a "nod" to the author without costing their posting power or awarding reward shares.

I definitely definitely disagree with that. Why kill a perfectly alive discussion? I've seen Reddit discussions which last for many months if not years. I've seen discussions on Bitcointalk last for years. I don't think rewards should be cut off either, because again this changes the incentives in a way which can have unintended consequences.

The rest of the changes are uncontroversial to me. In my opinion, even by changing the incentives the quality of posts will not go up just because you lower the frequency. In fact quality might even go down because there is less frequency and that could mean less diversity as people might not be willing to take risks.

The other decision, the 30 day voting period, okay this is interesting. But then they freeze the discussion arbitrarily, which I can't find any rational benefit to doing that. If a conversation were the type which could go on for years then it would force the participants to create an entirely new thread every month to continue to converse and it would not change anything else in any beneficial way that I can see.

I suppose if resources are limited then it could be considered a form of rationing? But at this time Steem doesn't seem like it's having a problem growing or with resources. Long term it might, but right now it doesn't.

actually, it's not about comments .. it's about blog posts .. see here

Excellent find. I'm going to vote you up and I wish I had more voting power. Now that I know it's about blog posts I fully support it.

like right now you would have already used up 2 of your comments per 24 hours in this post alone, while because I am replying to you, I have used up none.

That wont work out well for Steemit. Or at least I can't see how it will work. I suppose if we only post like you're doing.

Yes, I think the developers will realize that they are wrong.

my opinion the developers look at this issue as developers, not as socially active users. developers seem wrong to me. they want to get people to communicate in a rigid framework as if people are robots.

It turns out wang bot may have earned a million dollars in Steem. Maybe that has something to do with the hard fork?

I think freezing might be more efficient for the blockchain capacity

It would be more efficient but is blockchain capacity even an issue? I mean can't they just upgrade to data centers if the time comes? Or are they concerned there will not be enough money to afford to do it?

I still think this feels rushed. Where is Dan to announce this change so it can be discussed more widely or are we the only people discussing it?

fully agree with dana-edwards

Only 4 comments per 24h ? That's not much for a few real discussions! Do you know how big is the decrease you will get?

And you just used one up asking that question if this goes into effect. We can live with the effects but it means I can only post like this in response to top level posts. Seems a bit ridiculous to reduce the user experience so much over some hypothetical bots which I have barely seen.

total error developers drive people into the framework do not correspond to human communication

That's contradictory, freedom but with restrictions?

How will this work? And why is the limit 4? How was that settled upon? I'm not sure if I agree with this particular hard fork. Not enough discussion has been had and it seems rushed.

Your first 4 posts in 24 hours will not be penalized. After that, they weight is decreased from 100% based on your average posting frequency. Having a frequency just barely higher than 1 every 6 hours will have very little impact, while spamming will be penalized heavily. This change is aimed to increase the quality of content at the cost of quantity.

Okay this means what? If I post more than 4 times in a day I get penalized? I don't get it. Would it discourage a post like I'm making now because I might get somehow punished by the system?

Looks like they are trying to penalize comment spam bots, but I think they don't realize that there are many users who like to comment allot more than 6 times in 24 hours.

This hardfork is scheduled for 2016-07-26T15:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EDT).

Cool conversation i would hate for these kind of chats to end.

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