Steemit EtiquettesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago


Since taking a Steemit break and starting up again I've notice an influx of new people asking me to read their post or follow them and even some have asked to trade votes, implying we should up vote each other. Some have even spammed by linking their blog to mine or advertised it by posting the whole thing as a reply to my post.

I've been DM'd countless times by people I don't know, people who have just started. I'll say, 'No, I don't do that' and 'it's bad etiquette to ask', and they keep at it. 'Why, m'am?' was one person's reply.

Everyday I wake up to emails from people who tried to contact me the night prior asking for votes or some scheme or other. I’m wondering if they’re ignoring the newbie instructions and not seeking help on Steemit Chat.

I've spent time helping a few — giving succinct instructions on how to start out slowly and not expect to be a millionaire by next month. I've coached them with tips on how to improve the visual set up of the their posts, advised on the importance of tags and how to find the most popular appropriate to their subject matter.

I even suggested several Steemians to visit as an example (depending on the blog - so if they are interested in photography, I'll recommend a photographer or two to follow; if cooking and food, then those and homesteaders and so on). I’ve even given them links to some helps from various Steemians.

I'm not saying this get to a pat on the back but to re state instructions to those who are still doing it.


please just stop

It's bad manners to ask for upvotes, follows, and even worse to get sarcastic or mean when I don't.

Not everyone gets sarcastic or mean, but enough have, so I've said it in bold letters so you'll hear me.

I want to get to know you, not be coerced to upvote or follow you just for the sake of numbers.

Listen, I will vote for your content if I like what you’ve produced or if I find it interesting.

Everyone has different likes and dislikes.

I will find you as will others. Be patient. You will grow if you follow a few marketing tips and post authentic material.

But be real.

Don’t post something just because you think it will make you money— post because it’s something important to you and you want to share it.

Just so you know, I check the blog of every person who visits me and if I see something there I like, I vote.


A follow-for-follow makes my feed over crowded and I won't see your post on it. And I don't have enough time in the day to sift through thousands of blogs.

So it’s unproductive and defeats the purpose of a follow and of Steemit in general. Plus, like you, I don’t have infinite Steem Power to vote for everyone. I have to budget.

Please take the time to read everything you can about Steemit.


How to’s are everywhere as many have written extremely helpful posts on any subject you might be interested in. You can start with the Welcome from Steemit- it's in the drop down box beside your avatar (if you have one, if not, get one) - three horizontal lines - click on it and you'll see a bunch of options.

You'll also see Steemit Chat - go there to #help channel and ask for suggestions, they'll give you links.

You need to educate yourself as you go.

And be patient.

Try to notice how many times you see others asking for votes or re-steems or follows as you visit blogs. You'll see those people are largely ignored by those who have been around a while and sometimes told not to do it. Why?

It’s bad manners to ask or try to sell your blog. It would be akin to going into a store and trying to sell your product to their customers.

Just bad bad, bad manners.

I'm sure you don't mean it and aren’t informed so please learn so you don't have to be embarrassed or flagged by others for spamming.

Do NOT ask for votes—EVER.

Some people try to do it by being polite, they tell you how much they like what you posted then add:

  • My friend please upvote and thank you.
  • Also check out my blog:
  • UPvoted and Following. Feel free to follow me too @followmeplease
  • Upvote! Please follow back and comment!
  • Help me out and upvote and follow me.

Whether you’re polite or pushy it amounts to the same thing. You’re breaking the rules and violating the Steemit etiquette.

You can ask for votes, resteems and follows at the end of your own posts — that's your prerogative but *do not ask when replying to another person's post.

If you reply to another person's post make sure you read the post and have something to say about what you learned or liked or even disliked. That's connecting. Simply saying, nice post or great content followed by follow me is not connecting.


Also try to not be jealous of other's successes and complain about the dolphins or whales for not voting you and for hogging the wealth.

Don’t complain that people “buy” votes.

Using @booster, @randowhale, @bellyrub or other legitimate apps helps increase the visibility of your post. Using these means is an investment no different than purchasing Steem and you are not spamming or aggravating others.

It takes time and hard work to be on Steemit.


It's a commitment, an investment and fun to challenge yourself to write, post and socialize.

Please have fun, socialize by commenting without expecting anything in return.

People here appreciate that and you might gain a friend or two.

Be authentic, and real.


signature 2.png

sources 1,2,3,4,5,6


You go, girl! That's the spirit and you said it out loud, while many others like me just thought about saying it.

I'm not here for a long time yet, but I quickly found that really annoying. So thanks again and hope that you'll be heard around.

Thank you for the encouragement. I was kinda holding my breath after I posted - in fact I went for a's beautiful here btw.

Spam is annoying and I really didn't want to embarrass anyone who was doing it out of ignorance. There are some who do it despite being asked not to - those are the worst.

People will still do it. I hope it will be an educational post for them

I can imagine. But you did it. Really glad that there is someone like you who isn't afraid of saying it out loud.
I know that they will still do it, but maybe a few of them will stop just because of your post. Keep up motivating and educating people. Your good work will come around one day.

That's very sweet of you to say ....thanks for the encouraging words.

"Don’t complain that people “buy” votes."

actually, I disagree with this. I do not complain that people use the tools provided for them to get more votes, but that these tools exist. I see payed vote bots as essentially excessive self-voting, with a small amount of profit taken off to bribe the workers into socially accepting it and fighting for it. (Even though it ends up giving them less rewards overall)

I get why you feel this way. I do as well to a point. I have a hard time accepting some selling techniques in general.

However, this is my opportunity to rebuild my steem power for a while because I powered down to almost 0 when I took a break from Steemit. I'm grateful that these tools are there to help me.

These bots like @bellyrub - which I noticed that you've used - are legitimate and help promote your work to others who might not see it.

Thank you for reading my post and for your thoughtful comment.

just because they promote your work doesn't mean they don't act like a leech sucking at the rewards of the working class who make posts.

Its like saying the Africans who make a dollar a day in iron mines should be glad for the opportunity because they would starve otherwise.

You are entitled to your own opinion. Thanks for sharing.

why did you bother replying at all? That comment has nothing to it. I want somebody who can defend their opinion, not just acknowledge other's.

That's not how you form knowledge. If everybody just accepted everyone else's opinions without debate nothing would ever change.

Thank you. I'm new and this has happened to me lot. I find it very annoying and thought it was normal here. Now I know it's against the rules and won't feel so guilty by not upvoting their comments or following back if I'm not interested in their content.

I'm glad that my words helped you. It's hard to go against your basic desire to be kind and tolerant. I felt guilt too for not upvoting or following back a new member. I got a case of the "shoulds" I should help them, I should vote for them. You know how that goes.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

from now on when those peeps spam me, I'm going to reply with the link to this post. I'm assuming they'll read it :)

or you could make a meme lol

Yep, Steemit changed a lot while you were out... and not all for the better.

I hope at least some will listen to your advice.

For the most part I ignore the newer spammy stuff, but every once in a while if I sense some underlying possible redeeming value, I'll take the time to try counseling a naive newbie... Once in a while I've been pleasantly surprised to find someone teachable!

Cheers, dear!



It's nice when we can help. And nicer when the person who is learning listens. I still have three or four who keep doing the same same. I ignore most but repeat offenders I will tell them politely. I haven't flagged anyone yet. I don't like that feature so much - I know it's there for a purpose but still. I received three email notices some time in the night while I was getting my beauty sleep - DM's . Maybe we need a pause button.

Hahahahaha! I need a great, big PAUSE button on life! ;)

Someone said that a photograph is the pause button of life....I wouldn't mind being able to twitch my nose and cause different outcomes sometimes.

Been watching too many TV sitcom reruns, have we? ;)

Yes, there are indeed situations that ought to have different outcomes. I'm thankful that a day is coming when we'll never again feel that way. :D

hehe...glad you got my nose twitch reference.....and I too can't wait for that day.

Thank you for this article/post, it has helped me immensely, as I am fairly new to @steemit I must admit, I am guilty of a few of these, and I will definitely not be doing it anymore. I do appreciate any comments or advice anyone can give, as I truly LOVE being a part of this community and it's ethos intrigues me to no end. It is a beautiful concept and place to be.

So thank you @countrygirl for bringing these to my attention and helping to educate a new steemitian (I think we called?) or is it Steemian

Kind regards

@michaeljn - thank you for being so teachable and genuine...I tried to write this post in a non judgemental way - sometimes it's hard depending on the hearer.

You have a great attitude. Thanks for sharing.

This post received a 1.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @johnjgeddes! To learn more, check out @randowhale 101 - Everything You Need to Know!

“I hear and I forget “ “I see and I remember “ “I do and I understand “

hearing, seeing and doing - true learning continues when put into action.

Genuine authenticity is key in the beginning. I agree 100%.
The influx of new members seems to have me explaining the sames things you just did. It took me some time to understand steemit etiquette. I will admit that I made a few mistakes in my early days. Now it seems like a constant struggle educating new members. I guess we just have to keep trying to spread the word. :)

We do. We do. And, yes, we've all made mistakes and some of us have learned the hard way #askmehowIknow :)

No matter how many of these etiquette posts I read, it seems there aren't enough of them to go around. Thanks for this one! Resteemed to spread the simple wisdom of being a real person...

One can only hope. Someone linked this to a reply from a spammer and the spammer replied "It's optional". he didn't really want to be cohesive with the community.

Thanks for reading my long post :) and for resteeming it.

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