How playing with dickbutt showed me a nasty Steemit bug for new users

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'd like to introduce @dickbutt to you. This is a bot account I created for the hilarious purpose of replying to anyone that uses the word dickbutt in a comment or post with a random dickbutt image. The code is pretty simple and is only using a single image right now:

from piston.steem import Steem
import os
import json
import traceback

for c in steem.stream_comments():
  if "dickbutt" in c["body"].lower() and not "dickbutt" in c["author"]:
      print(c.reply('', title='', author='dickbutt'))

What's troubling though is when I created the @dickbutt account and tried to make this first post I was met with a nasty error.

"Transaction failed: abs_rshares > 50000000 || o.weight == 0: voting weight is too small, please accumulate more voting power or steem power"

It was pointed out to me that if I unchecked the "Upvote post" check box it should work and they were right. Someone also mentioned this is an issue with the registration fee.

No matter what the root cause of the issue is, this is a pretty big bug that would discourage most new users. I mean they come and sign up a new account and go to create their first "hello world" post and they can't do it.

They won't think to go on and ask someone and learn they have to uncheck a box that is checked by default. They will just leave. This is a pretty nasty bug to have at a time where we should be growing. The fact that a new user can't upvote anything is pretty bad but to compound that with not being able to create content is BIG!


@dickbutt has been updated with 1700% more dickbutts.
Also new accounts now have 5SP


That bug may be fixed soon. That is bad for Steemit comunity. Thanks a lot for your work dude. Upvote, comment and follow you. Have a terrific weekend my friend :) .

The witnesses are likely voting to raise the account creation fee to remedy this problem. I agree, new users not being able to perform actions is only going to frustrate people, and these new users need enough steem power to perform the basic actions.

So hopefully it will be resolved soon - though I'm not sure what we're going to do about the accounts that are already created and are sitting there with 3 SP.

Also dickbutt!

There is nothing better than a good and amazing dickbutt bot!

How many butts would a dickbutt butt if a dickbutt could butt dicks?

Haha you got the perfect random answer

It's not a bug, it's by design to prevent low-weight bots from swarming the votes.

The bug would be that real people are not able to do basic things when they first signup that isn't in the design.

Yeah, that's an unfortunate side effect, but the remedy to that would be start contributing, earn some rewards. I think even 10 SP is enough to give you usual voting rights.

Sorry but that is not a good way to address the issue. A new user should be able to signup and use the site. Whatever needs to be done under the surface needs to be done to make that happen again.

How do you expect them to contribute if they can't even post?

I signed up a few days ago, I have a hard time upvoting, replying and I did one test post.

It is VERY FRUSTRATING being basically "locked out" of a platform I am trying to get into. This method to prevent bots is really blocking humans big-time! I wish I could contribute more.

Interesting! Did not know that happened. Now I can warn the guys I am trying to get on. Thanks!

PS: dickbutt

Nice work!

Please reply with a random dickbutt

I'm rushing to get the randomize code in place now that dickbutt is gaining some traction.

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