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RE: Do You Own a Business Or a Job? 6 Steps to Truly Freeing Yourself From the Daily Grind...

in #steemit7 years ago

@joewantsfreedom this is a great question. In order for me to provide you an educated answer, I would need to ask you couple of question to have a better understanding on your plans. Feel free to send me a message in private.

FYI: That's a topic with a lot of wild opinions and debates, but I believe the best answer and advice comes from Mike Dillard and his interview with Sean Ogle titled "How to Start a 'Bridge Business' that Replaces Your Income".

I have never seen an easier and detailed actionable path than Sean's route. It's great for aspiring entrepreneurs currently working a full-time job. Check it out and let me know your thoughts.


Ok, so I just finished listening to that @conceptionguzman. Thank you. It was good :). They pretty much talk about my own plan of which I also talked a bit about my post
[Traveler Trying To Fit Back In] Thoughts On Nine To Five Self Made Prisons And How To Position Yourself To Win The Rat Race And --- by @joewantsfreedom

Basically to keep it short my plan would be to go part-time in October in my current job (assumig it's possible) and keep on working on my freelance skills (UX/UI Design, Development, Security, I want to get into Mobile Marketing/Growth Hacking), and as mentioned in the podcast I think I'll also look into Copywriting more, maybe even offer my services in that.
Then with more developed skills and portfolio I could go "full on" freeance and work let's say 80-120 hours a month and use the rest to work on myself and my own ideas and at the same time invest a bit every month.

Also, you said I can contact you. Can you tell me where? Pretty sure there is no messaging feature on Steemit :).

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