Mindful-Mondays: an overview of the sensation that lasted seven episodes, and a personal request.

in #steemit8 years ago

What is Mindful-Mondays?

Mindful-Mondays started out as an idea, an idea that came from the common agreement that Mondays mostly suck.

It was created, by me, as a way to wake people up and open their minds to thought provoking, out of the box ideas.

These episodes took the form of easy-to-read articles about Mind-expanding, UN-conventional topics.

The idea was to get at least a small group of people into the state of an open mind, hopefully curing many of the illness known as being all too dull.

@coloured-content was seeking an amusing way to ween out this illness until its existence no longer thrived off of the dying colour of humanities mind-juice.

Unfortunately, being one man working a 9-5, I gave up after seven episodes when it seemed like no one cared...and I am disappointed in myself for that.

Over-all, I believe the article series was a success in that it got a few peoples attention and MAYBE opened a couple of minds to the degree of an expanding crevice (not exactly a free-fall rabbit hole, but good enough).


The Beginning

Mindful-Mondays began as Mind-Expanding-Mondays,

But the name of the series was changed in the second episode.

The first episode had to do wuith my OWN personal opinion of the story of the Garden of Eden, found in biblical text, and would definatley expand your mind, if you were to read it, which you can below.


I am not religious: but the bible, like many ancient texts, contains metaphorical and literal stories of the past, and is mostly misinterpreted.

For example, most people believe that the point of Christianity is to "worship Jesus Christ" (Yeshua Hamaschiah), when really the point of his message is that YOU ARE GOD, and you are the son of God, as was he, and as is all things.

My second article was a bit more controversial.

In this article, I took on the perspective of Hitler being a true hero fighting against the Zionist new world order, and I backed it up with 100 % by historical evidence through intensive research.

In writing this article and taking this perspective, I actually convince myself that this WAS the most true version of things.

Funny how that works.

Here is the link to that article:


My third article was a little more appreciated.

It was on the concept of the human's irrational fear of death, and how it makes absolutely no sense from a logical perspective.

You can find that post here:


Now, my fourth article was a little more conventional: It was about the multi-dimensional communication abilities of the human heart, from a scientific view of course.


We all know the importance of self-sustainable communities in a melting economic system, and that was what I attempted to get across to the general public of steemit in my fifth article:


My sixth article was perhaps the most controversial article of all.

It posed the question, "Do humans REALLY need to consume food?, and if not, why do we?"

It is titled food consumption, from the viewpoint of slavery :


My seventh and final article, one I put too much time into, was about how Hollywood hides truth in fictitious movies, and revels hidden agendas of the worlds elite, inner-ring of psychopaths in order to avoid karma...


Your Opinion

Thank you for listening to me blabber on nearly endlessly about myself and my creations....

But can we get to the bottom-line purpose of this article?

I appreciate you reading this far, but, if you care at all about my survival as a writer, I need to ask you for a favour.

A personal request.

I want you to do something simple.

I want you to scroll through the above mentioned articles.

I want you to pick one that interests you, and read at least that one article (I'd prefer if you read them all of coarse, but does anybody really have time for that?).

After you have read the article(s) of your choosing, I want you to come back to this one and comment on:

A) what you thought of that article including what you liked and what you thought could be improved,


B) whether or not you believe that Mindful-Mondays is something that should continue, or if I should end it where it stands.

Your opinion is extremely appreciated and I urge you to at least read one article and let me know what you thought about it, and if the series should continue.

Blessings to all, from the all-ness of this now moment.



Please read and comment :) be a good human being :P

I am a good human. I read and upvoted.

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