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RE: Writing posts and getting followers is only 50% of what you are suppose to do here. CURATION EXPLAINED.

in #steemit7 years ago

This what I have learnt from Curation rewards on Steemit:

Each post reward is split 75% author, 25% curator

After 30 minutes and more = ENTIRE portion of that 25% goes to the curator PERIOD.

27 minutes and 30 minutes past the time the post has been made live, will be split 90/10. 90% curator and 10% author.

15 minutes and 27 minutes of when a post is created. 50% curator and 50% goes to the author.

3 minutes and 15 minutes after post publication. 10% curator, author receives 90%

3 minutes after the post has been up. 0% curator, 100% author


Yes, okay.

People only caring about how much they get paid would worry about this... I purposely did not bring this up, because I was trying to encourage people to do the responsible thing, and flag inappropriate content, and seek out good content.

...and not focus on every action they make on steemit depending on what time it is...

I've commented on posts 8 days after it was made. I've commented on posts 1 minute after they're written. I know the mathematical algorithms and I still do that.. Want to know why? I'm a responsible user of this system that doesn't always do what makes the most money 100% of the time.

Do you agree that we have a social responsibility to act well on this system, rather than paying attention to how many minutes a post or comment is before we do something?

It's like when you figure out the "optimal" strategy in a videogame but then you realize that the strategy is boring as hell, so you just decide to have fun even if you don't get as many points or finish the game slower.

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