How a Fake Account Gave Me a New Appreciation of Steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago

I am sure anyone that is familiar enough with the internet has dealt with the possibility of someone not being who they say they are online...

On Steemit Everyone Knows you are a dog

I decided to document my recent experience with a fake account on here for the enjoyment of others. It all started with a strange comment on this post of mine.


A little odd and spammy but I figured why not, I will check it out.


My fake profile radar went off but I did not want to jump to any conclusions right away. I had recently helped my girlfriend with her intro post and stressed that she do the pic with her steem user ID and the date so people knew it was a real person She didn't really get the reason for it but complied anyway. I posted the below to see what "she" would say in response.


A few days went by with no comment and I started to get curious of what had happened. Decided to check in on "her" profile to see what the status was.


BOOM! Down voted into oblivion! Apparently others caught on and "she" eventually complied with my request of a steem ID photo.


Wait what?! The cat/dog is officially out of the bag, lets see those reactions!


A special thank you to @bullionstackers for the excellent detective work! Seriously though give him a follow, checked out his blog and he has found several fake accounts.


I was really happy to see this and how the community had dealt with the situation. I deal with fake profiles a lot on the popular social media networks and see it as a real problem. There are many stories of people getting duped by these fake accounts and it creates a general distrust on the web. Having a process in place like this will have a huge impact long term for the adoption of steemit, good work all.



Ugh!! Look at the fingers. I always wondered if they retaliate against you (for mass downvoting) from their shark account. Any repercussions?

I honestly hope they do, this would be the wrong thread to do it on for sure. Anyone downvoting this post without a solid reason in the comments is getting out on BLAST! LOL

Hah! I saw the same profile and thought it was fake too.

I feel like after enough time on the internet you devolop an instinct of which download button is the real one...

I laugh when I am told by friends that they don't use Torrent sites because the download buttons never work and just take you to other sites lol

Wow....the verification picture might be one of the worst photoshops I've ever seen. Good post BTW keep up the good work.

Thanks! It's my favorite one to date.

Excellent read and I agree it does give you an added positive perspective for Steemit and as long as the community stay vigilant for fake accounts then Steemit will stay strong. Great job! upvoted and Followed.

That microsoft paint "photoshop" tho'! LMAO!!!!

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