
@codingdefined - If you want to show your Existance produce meaningful content or comments.
Don't get me wrong i'm no expert Curator or Post Creator but I do try to add value where I can.

It's difficult to make the correct decision sometimes, but as long as you take the information or Criticism on board you are doing your best.

@stormuk69 and @marcusorlyius Its good that we have to have the meaningful comment or the comment which brings the value to the post. But sometimes you just want to say wow looking at the pictures and nothing else.

I know we have a lot of bots out here which by doing spammy comments increasing its value but that doesn't mean that the real user will be penalised just by writing one or two words as a comment.

@codingdefined - Now take a look at your comments from my screenshot. It looks like Spam. Too many consistant posts of the same phrase.

spam 2.JPG

Compare this to my Comments where even if a word or Two it's never the same thing typed over and over.

@stormuk69 I appreciate your time to take a look at my comments, though one thing you missed that some comments have "Nice Pics" whereas others have "Nice pic", a bot wouldn't have done that. And also as per your main post In the above example you can see Five comments in Two Minutes. Three of which are within One Minute. this is not the case as per mine.

But thanks for pointing out, I will make sure to add more meaningful comments in future.

@codingdefined - I can see it wasn't a Bot with your account. I was just stating it could make it "Bot Like". This is the reason that I have upvoted your comments and not flagged them as Spam :-)

@codingdefined I agree with you. As the author, I like seeing appreciative comments, even ones that say convey a simple message. And I do this a lot myself, especially on photo blogs. I don't always have something deep and meaningful to add but I want the person to know I actually looked at the post and liked it. It wasn't just me voting via a trail.

@choogirl - Nothing wrong with simple comments.
It's just annoying when you check the history and it's a copy / paste of the same comment over and over within a very short space of time.

You can clearly see the difference and I would never penalise someone for saying Great Post or just a word or two.

I want the person to know I actually looked at the post and liked it.

And you thinking leaving a comment of "Nice pic" shows that? Do you have any idea how simple it would be to make a bot that posts such comments? Now, given that a user is posting the same crappy comment on multiple articles, the chances of them actually liking your article are slim to none. It's more likely they're running a bot to post that shit for them and are not even aware of the article you posted, never mind actually liking it. They're simply kissing your arse in the hopes that you upvote them.

As an author, I couldn't give a flying fuck about "appreciative comments" which simply waste my time. I'm not a 5 year old that needs a pat on the head and a gold star for being a good little boy. I like the comments that disagree with what I have to say and provide reasoned arguments as to why they disagree. I love heated debate and can't stand people trying to kiss my arse.

Jeez! Calm down mate. I wasn't looking for a fight.

Making spammy comments may get you noticed but that's not the type of attention you want and is likely to get you flagged and muted.

If you want to be noticed in a good way then the least you can do is put a scrap of effort into making your comment. It's also far more likely to make you money as people are going to vote for comments that even the dumbest bot could make.

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