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RE: I am Jerry's fan - Let's learn from him

in #steemit7 years ago

I see but he is doing something good anyway, I know that he is advertising his courses and he may buy all that you said, I am talking not about him exactly but more about my self and others, why some people do their best to earn at least a few dollars from posts while others doing almost them same earn hundreds, that's not fair !


life is not fair and the big boys always win. I don't know what good he is doing at all. Some are earning more because they have found a community that are interested in what they have to say. look at first I was posting how to article on Excel, they did not do well. So I pivoted and was using Excel and other tools to analyse the steemit data. The audience on steemit have reacted positively to that. Now I have done a few other posts, no on steemit data or excel and they are not doing well.

Find what knowledge or skills you have that will add and help other steemains. Remember this platform is not main stream yet. Many of the people here are developers and crypto heads. If you know the audience then work to them.....

thanks I will think about that, but do developers and crypto heads need to upvote a girl traveling around the word and showing some body and some places ? or they need to upvote people doing usless memes or posts ? and why if the person is famous on youtube or other platforms became famous on steemit so fast ? is steemit about rich people to became more rich and poor people watch them ?

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