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RE: Opinion: Steemit is an engineer's platform seeking a designer's elegance

in #steemit8 years ago

Great points but I am thinking about #7

While simplification is always desirable, transparency is key. Such as separating out author's and curator's pending payouts, so there's no unpleasant surprise at payout time.

While transparency is the key, obviously, revealing to public is another part. Information should be accessible by anyone at anytime, but it shouldn't be thrown to everyone if it may cause negative experience. I noticed that AKASHA doesn't show payouts of other's posts, and it provides different perception to me.


That's an interesting model. I can't imagine how that would work with Steemit, but worth a thought experiment!

Regarding transparency, something I neglected to mention is, we probably need a better balance between transparency and privacy. I know a lot of people expect basic privacy controls to hide their comments, their votes, their wallet, their transactions etc. Not saying we need to do all of that, or go as far as having private blogs - but there definitely needs to be some privacy built-in. Currently it's too wide open and open to privacy invasion abuse - of which there has been a fair few cases. (Yes, I'm aware this may need a lot of work blockchain side, and some features like anonymous transactions may be in the works - just pointing out what people expect on a frontend)

Well said. I totally agree with you.

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