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RE: Growing Frustrated

in #steemit8 years ago

In my experience, making good content is only half the victory. On our podcast @paradise-paradox, we've been publishing videos and audios for about 20 months, and from the beginning I thought that, if we make good content, sooner or later someone is going to notice it. That's true to an extent, but the fact is, normally if you publish something on the Internet and don't tell anybody about it, nobody is going to know about it. People will share good content if they get a chance, but you need to get the ball rolling. If you can put your headline and title image before 3000 sets of eyeballs, that's when things start to get interesting.

The other day, I heard @andrarchy say something like: Whenever I publish something, I want to show it to whomever might possibly be interested in it. Now, that's the attitude of a true hustler, and you can see that his results reflect that. Of course, he's not sharing trash either; he's sharing well-thought-out content which people want to see.

Get on the #postpromotion channel if you're not already. Join the 5 or 6 Facebook groups that exist for sharing Steemit content. Join writing groups on Facebook, or any other groups related to your niche. Submit your content to Reddit, Digg, Google, Bing. Most importantly, engage with people on those media where you can. From your perspective, it seems like a popularity contest. From others' perspective, they have asked for the support of their friends. People are rarely popular by accident; normally, it's because they've put in the effort to make connections with people.

The other tip I can give you is, you already have some content on here which is quite successful. I can see you've earned a few hundred dollars between two specific posts. So don't be so quick to say that the dream is short-lived when you've already achieved so much on here. Making $500 as a writer is nothing to sneeze at. By many measures, that's a lot of money. I wrote a blog for years and didn't make that much; I'm sure you've had similar experiences. Celebrate your victories, and analyse your victories.

I hope that gives you a few things to think about, and a few action points. Good luck my friend!


Thank you for the thoughtful response @churdtzu! You give really good advice about online networking. I’m learning from guys like Ramit Sethi how vital this is to steering traffic to your content. I’ve been managing my social media pages for years for my writing but this platform is like a slightly altered universe in a sense. I am TOTALLY grateful for what I’ve made on here, I’ve made more in three weeks here than I did the first few months after I published my last book. It’s very difficult to make this kind of money as an author, especially in this day and age. You’ve helped a lot, thank you.

Great, I'm glad it was helpful. Considering you've already got a handle on social media, it should be reasonably easy for you.

This is called a great comment. Thoughtful, helpful and meaningful. I found your comment worth reading than 95% of content I have read in my entire time on Steemit. That is more than 2 weeks.

Thanks @dev, glad you liked it. Though funnily enough, half of what I wrote comes from stuff I read on Steemit.

Will have a lot to learn from you. Don't mind me spamming and stalking you in next couple of hours. Will try to learn from your content and tone. Then try to implement it in my writing.

Till now I have not seen the face of luck. I hope it is roaming somewhere near and I grab him soon and never leave :)

Great. When you look at what I've done and you try to guess what works, remember that what works for me won't necessarily work for you. Remember, be real, be honest, be persistent, and promote, and sooner or later you'll pick up some luck.

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